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The following are the original Chinese version of a part of a brochure on the “Dragon-Boat Festival” of a city and its English translation. 轻快的龙舟如银河流星,瑰丽的彩船似海市蜃楼,两岸那金碧辉煌的彩楼连成一片水晶宫,是仙境?是梦境?仰视彩鸽翩飞,低眸漂灯流霓,烟火怒放,火树银花,….. English version The lightsome dragon-boats appear on the river as though the starts twinkle in the milk way. The richly decorated pleasure boats look like a scene of mirage. The splendid awnings in green and gold chain into a palace of crystal. Is this a fairyland or a mere dream? Looking above, you can see the doves flying about; looking below, you can see the sailing lamps glittering. Crackling are the fireworks, which present you a picture of fiery trees and silver flowers. … 中文读起来,似乎亦无不可。但一读其英文译稿,效果却大不一样。……译者可算煞费苦心。我特意请了一位美国新闻工作者看看并坦率写出它的评语。他说:Full of hyperbole (充满了极度夸张),不仅不知所云,而且令人发笑。 (Quoted from 关世杰,1995) “Moon?Rabbit’’ or “Jade?Rabbit”? “玉兔” moon rabbit not jade rabbit?原因在于:“玉免”乃我国神话中陪伴吴刚生活在月宫挂花树下的兔子,因此,它又成为月的代称。将它译成Moon?Rabbit 体现了我国方老文化的风来,读英文不易产生异解,不会误认为是玉做成的兔子。 Cock or Rooster 我国“金鸡牌”闹钟在国外有较高声誉,但美中不足的是其译名似嫌欠雅——因为“Golden?Cock“中的Cock在英美等国家除有“雄鸡”一义外,还有“雄性器官”之义,使此译名失之粗俗。为使译名变雅,最好把cock换成rooster。 Homework: What is the origin of these idioms or allusions? Most of them have a very distinctive cultural color, is it necessary to retain it in the translation? 四面楚歌 毛遂自荐 身在曹营心在汉 破釜沉舟 卧薪尝胆 守株待兔 拔苗助长 叶公好龙 牛郎织女 八仙过海,各显神通 刘姥姥进了大观园 智多星 空城计 逼上梁山 借花献佛 临时抱佛脚 道高一尺,魔高一丈 Allusions from history, legends (fables and folk legends),religion, classical literature 3. Alternative approaches have been adopted to translate these culturally-distinctive idioms in the homework. Examine the following examples, can you identify the three typical approaches? Which one do you think is the best alternative? 牛郎织女 (1)Cowherd and Weaving maiden (2)a couple in love but not under the same roof (3)cowboy and Vega Romeo and Juliet 临时抱佛脚: (1) to embrace Buddhas feet in ones hour of need (2) to make effort at the last moment (3) to cram at