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Finance and economics 财经商业 Taxing corporate cash 税收磨刀霍霍向猪羊 A tempting target 一个诱人的目标 South Koreas government tries to get firms to spend their accumulated riches 韩国政府试图向企业现金储备征税来充盈国库 SINCE becoming South Koreas finance minister in July, Choi Kyung-hwan has been busy. 自7月担任韩国财政部长一职以来,崔炅焕一直在忙碌中度过。 First came a 41 trillion won stimulus package. 首轮就抛出41万亿韩元的经济刺激计划。 Now Mr Choi is trying to pep up the economy further by getting South Korean firms to spend more on wages and dividends. 现在崔部长正试图通利用韩国企业的收入和利润进一步激励经济。 Mr Chois scheme, submitted to South Koreas parliament this week, will tax companies cash piles on the grounds that corporate stinginess is holding the country back. 崔部长在本周将要提交给韩国国会的计划中指出,政府将要向企业的现金储备征税,其原因在于企业不去投资发展而是大量现金储备的行为影响了经济的前行。 Cash reserves at South Koreas ten biggest chaebol, or conglomerates, have doubled in five years. 韩国十大财阀企业集团的现金储备量在五年内翻了一番。 Together, the countrys non-financial firms hold over 450 trillion won. 与此相对应的,该国的非金融公司持有量超过450万亿韩元。 Though corporate earnings trebled between 2000 and 2012, household income in Korea barely doubled. 虽然从2000年到2012年,韩国企业的盈利增长了两倍,家庭收入几乎翻了一倍, The pace of salary growth has dropped, from 4.4% a year between 2001 and 2005 to just 0.3% a year since 2011. 但是工资增长的速度却在下降,增速从2001年到2005年间的4.4%下降到2011年以来每年的0.3%。 If the plan is approved, the 4,000 or so South Korean firms with over 50 billion won in capital will pay a 10% surcharge on their corporate tax rate unless they have spent a certain proportion of their income on dividends, investment and wages. 如果该议案被批准,那么约有4000家资本超过500亿韩元的企业要将占其收入一定比例的利润用于分红,投资或者职工薪酬,否则就要缴纳其企业所得税10%的附加费。 The government has yet to set the threshold, but it is likely to be 60-80%. 政府尚未设置临界值,但及其可能为60%—80%。 Firms will also be exempt if they spend 20-40% of income on dividends and wages alone, a nod to the low investment rate of the service sector. 如果企业将其公司20%-40%的收入用于股息和工资的发放,那么将获得政府扶持投资的低利率贷款。 Companies are stockpiling cash in the face of mounting Chinese competition and slowing domestic deman


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