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Heroes英雄经典台词第一集: Where does it come from?它从何而来 This quest, this need to solve lifes mysteries when the simplest of quetions can never be answered. 这种渴望 这种需求 想去揭开生命奥秘却从未有过答案 Why are we here?我们为什么在这 What is the soul?灵魂是什么 Why do we dream?我们为什么做梦 Perheps wed better of not looking at all.漠不关心也许更好 Not delving, not yearning.不钻研 不渴求知晓 Thats not human nature.这不是人类的本性 Not the human heart.也不是人类的心意 That is not why we are here.更不是我们存在的目的 第二集: We all imagine ourselves the agents of our destiny capable of determing our own fate 所有人都幻想着做命运的代理人 能够决定我们自己的命运 But have we truly any choice in when we rise? Or when we fall?但是我们真的能够掌握人生的起起伏伏吗 Or does a force larger than ourselves bid us our direction? 亦或有另一种更加强大的力量操纵着我们前进的方向 Is it evolution that takes us by hand?是进化将我们玩弄于鼓掌之中吗 Does science point our way?还是科学帮我们指点迷津 Or is it god who intervenes, keeping us safe.还是说是上帝让我们平平安安 For all his bluster, it is the sad province of man that he cannot choose his triumph. 无论他如何自大 人的可悲之处在于不能选择自己的成功 He can only choose how he will stand when the call of destiny comes.他只能选择如何回应命运的召唤 Hoping that hell have the courage to answer.希望他有回应的勇气 第三集: Suddenly, the change in your life that should have been wonderful, comes as a betray. 突然你生命中原本美丽的变化会反过来出卖你 It may seem cruel, but the goal is nothing short of self-preservation. 这也许很残酷 但是没有比自我保护更重要的了 Survival.一切都为了生存 This force, evolution, is not sentimental.这种力量 进化 是没有感情的 Like the earth itself, it know only the hard facts of lifes struggle with death. 就象地球本身 它只知道生命与死亡斗争的残酷现实 All you can do is hope and trust that when youve served its needs faithfully, 你只能希望并且相信当你忠实的满足它的需要 there may still remain some glimmer of the life you once knew.也许还留下一点你曾经了解的生命的火光 第四集: Sometimes questions are more powerful than answers.有时候问题的力量比它的答案能强大 How are these happening? What are they?怎么会这样 是什么问题 Why them , not others?为什么是它们而不是别的 Why now?为什么是现在 What does it all mean?它们到底有什么意义 第五集: When a change comes, some species feel the urge to migrate.当变化来临时 某些物种便感到迁移的冲动 They call it zugunruhe人们把这叫做迁移


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