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重庆科技学院 学术英语课程论文文献综述 题目 :A Preliminary Exploration on the Constitutional Principles and Formative Methods of Euphemism 委婉语的构造原则和构成方式初探 学生姓名 : 指导教师 : 院系 : 专业、班级 : 学号 : 完成时间 :2015年6月 说明:封面标题要用中英双语,英文题目在上。英文题目的实词首字母均须大写,字体:西文Arial;字号:3号;中文题目黑体三号。段落安排:行距固定值28磅 。对齐方式:两端对齐。 学生姓名、教师姓名等一律用黑体三号,单倍行距 Literature Review 说明:标题Literature Review 首字母均须大写,字体:西文Arial;字号:3号;段落安排:段前24磅,段后18磅;单倍行距 。对齐方式:居中。 1. Introduction As a widespread and popular rhetorical device, euphemisms came into people’s life long time ago. ……. And the research of euphemisms has a long history …………….. 建议:综述前写一导言,简介研究课题主要内容,概括研究现状,研究目的。 2. The definition of euphemism 说明:标题序号与标题名之间,加圆点,并空1个英文字符;标题第一个单词的首字母大写;字体:西文Arial;字号:小3号;段落安排:段前空24磅,段后空6磅;行距:固定值20磅 。对齐方式:左对齐。 The word euphemism comes from Greek; the prefix eu- means good and the stem phemism means speech; the whole word‘s literal meaning is word of good omen. In early 1580s, the British writer George Blunt first created the word euphemism ‘and defined it as ‘a good or favorable interpretation of a bad word’. (Shu, 1995:17) (正文中直接引用原文,必须加引号并标出确切的页码) …………………………… (正文字体:小四号罗马体,行距为固定值20磅,对齐方式:两端对齐;段首空四个英文字符) 3. Researches abroad 3.1 Researches from socio-linguistic perspective 说明:标题序号与标题名之间,不加圆点,空1个英文字符;标题第一个单词的首字母大写;字体:西文Arial;字号:四号;段落安排:段前空12磅,段后空6磅;行距:固定值20磅 。对齐方式:左对齐。 如有次一级标题,2.1.1采用13pt字居左书写,其他同上。 3.2 Researches from semantic perspective 3.3 Researches from pragmatic perspective ……….. Goffman (1957) described the consequences of failure in face-work, or to be exact, failure in using euphemisms, “A person who chronically makes himself and others uneasy in conversation and perpetually kills encounters is a faulty interactant; he is likely to have such a baleful effect upon the social life around him that he may just as well be called a faulty person.”(qtd in Hudson,2003:116)说明:转引用格式 4. Researches in China 4.1 Studies of euphemism from sociolinguistic perspective 4.2 Studies of euphemism from pragmatic perspective …………. Xu Haiming (1996), from


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