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基于 VxW orks的图形界面开发方法 # 61# 基于VxW orks的图形界面开发方法 , , , ( , 710065) : 为了解决嵌入式图形界面开发中的困难增强图形界面的功能和效果, 结合工程实践讲述了双缓冲技术中文字符显 示方法和响应鼠标键盘事件多页面设计等嵌入式图形开发方法应用结果表明,这些技术和方法的使用在丰富嵌入式 图形界面功能和效果方面确实起到了很好的作用,有着非常广泛的使用和推广价值 : 嵌入式图形界面; 双缓冲; 多媒体库 : TP311. 52 : A : 1000- 8829( 2008) 11- 0061- 03 E m bedded Graph ical In terface D esign Based on V xW orks HUANG- U Zhen, CHEN Hua-im in, DUAN X iao-jun, WU Cheng-fu (N ationalLaboratory ofUAV Special Techno logy, Northw estern Po lytechnicalUniversity, X iø an 710065, China) A bstrac t: In order to solve the problem during the development of em bedded graphical interface, to strengthen the function and effect of embedded graph ical interface, the application of double-buffering technology, the technology of graph ical interface designw ith Ch-i nese characters, and the developm ent m ethods of mu lt-ipage and graphical interface supporting keyboard andm ouse are introduced. The application resu lts show that these technologies andm ethods obtain very w ell effect on the design of em bedded graph ical inter- face based on VxW orks. The m ethods are practical and worthy of using w idely. K ey w ord s: embedded graphical interface; double-buffering technology;W indM edia L ibray VxW orks WRS APIDDK, , , 2 W indML VxW orksW indML(W ind M edia L ibray), 2. 1 W indML W indML, W indML W indML VxW orks, , W indML , , , , , : 1 W indML ¹ , uglIn itialize( ),



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