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第30 卷第5期 东 北 大 学 学 报 ( 自 然 科 学 版 ) Vol30,No. 5 2 009 年 5 月 Journal of Northeastern University( Natural S ien e) May 2 0 0 9 闫 妍, 刘 晓, 孟德凯 ( , 110004) : , , . , , CPSO( ) , . , , , , . : ; ; ; ; : F 713. 395 : A : 2009) On the Dynamic Pricing During GroupBuying Auction YAN Yan, LI UX iao, MENG Dekai ( S hool of Business Administration, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110004, China. Correspondent: LIU Xiao, E mail: xliu @ mail. neu. edu. n) Abstract : Behavioral hara teristi s of the ustomers during groupbuying au tion are dis ussed to find out the influen ing fa tors on ustomers parti ipation in groupbuying, where sellers appropriate pri ing poli y an attra t more ustomers. A pri ing model is developed on the basis of an independent private evaluation model and some assumptions to maximize sellers profits, w ith a CPSO ( haos parti le sw arm optimization) solution given to it to seek optimal pri es. Simulation results revealed that the markdow n gradient in groupbuying a tivities may affe t the final gross sales, and the adjustment of markdow n gradient will improve the values of ustomers effe tiveness. More ustomers will therefore parti ipate in groupbuying a tivities to in rease sales so as to in rease the profit of ompanies. Key words: eommer e; groupbuying au tion; dynami pri ing; CPSO; simulation , . [ 2] 1998 7 Mer ata. om , 1999 4 A ompany. om, , , : . Tokuro Matsuo[3] mine Choi e, M Nopoly. om, e. Conomy. om, , LetsBuyit. om . , . Lee[ 4] , , . Lai[5] , .



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