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36 3 ( ) Vol. 36 No. 3
1 1 1 2
杨钱荣, 张树青, 杨全兵, 季文革
( 1. , 200092; 2. , 324200)
: 6 .
, , ,
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, , , ; ,
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: ; ; ;
: T U 528. 1 : A : 0253- 374X( 2008) 03- 0374- 05
Effects of Ai-r Entraining Agent on Air Void Parameters of Concrete
1 1 1 2
YA N G Qianr ong , ZHA N G Sh uqi ng , YAN G Quanbing , JI Weng e
( 1. K y Laboratory of Advanc d Civil Engin ring Mat rials of th Ministry of Education, Tongji Univ rsity, Shanghai 200092, China;
2. Santgr n Biot chnology Co. , Ltd. , Changshan 324200, China)
Abstract: Air void param t rs of concr t add d w ith six typ s of air ntraining ag nts ( AEA) w r
studi d. Th r sults show that th r is no r lationship b tw n air cont nt in fr sh concr t and that in
hard n d concr t x c pt concr t w ith SJ AEA, nor is th r a n c ssary r lationship b tw n air con-
t nt in fr sh concr t and spacing factor of hard n d concr t . Th r ar substantial diff r nc s in
spacing factor and air void siz distribution b tw n concr t s w ith diff r nt AEAs and it is still so v n
w h n th r is v n w ith sam air cont nt in fr sh concr t .Air void param t r of concr t w ith SJ AEA
is b tt r than that of concr t with oth r AEAs. With th incr as of air cont nt in fr sh concr t w ith
th sam AEA, spacing factor first d cr as s and th n incr as s to som xt nt. Ov rrun air ntraining
w ould r sult in poor air void param t rs. Air cont nt is
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