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16 6 V ol . 16, No . 6 200 6 6 China M etallurg y J une 200 6 王厚昕, 李正邦 ( , 1000 81) : , H RB335H RB400 H RB500 , , H RB4 00 , H RB4 00 : H RB400 : T G335 . 6+ 4 : A : 100 69 356( 2006) Status and Development of Hot Ribbed Bars in China WA N G H ouxin , LI Zhengbang ( Cent ral Iro n and Steel Resear ch I nstit ute, Beij ing 100081, China) Abstract:H otrolled reinf o rced b ar is o ne o f the important con stru ctio nal steel g rades . H ow ev er, China is lag be hind the m ain dev elop ed indu st rial count ries in reb ar pr oductio n and application . T he dev elo pm ent histor y o f hot r olled b ar in mo re ha lf century and the pro du ction of m ain three ho tro lled r ibbed bar s H RB335, H RB400 and H RB500 in China ar e descr ibed . In r ecent years, ho tro lled bar in China h as m ade a g reater pro gr ess in techno lo gy , qu ality and pr op erties. A t pr esent , it is an impor tant per iod of applying HR B400 f o r updating co nstr uction steel , theref o re, fur ther optim izing HR B400 pr ocess and incr easing reb ar quality is ver y m eaningful. Key words:hotr olled ribbed b ar m icro alloy ing co nt rolled ro lling and co ntr olled cooling HR B400 dev elo pm ent MP a G B1499 ! 199 1 199 8 , , ( GB 1499 ! 1998) , , , , ( ) , , , 2002 4 1 ∀#GB500 10 ! , , 2002 , H RB400 , 4 00 M Pa ,



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