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2008 2 2008, l 2 2 2 7 F ore ign Languages and The ir T eaching Ser ia l l 227 刘法公 徐蓓佳 (浙江工商大学外语学院, 浙江杭州 310018) : 本文以纽马克的文本分类作为理论依据, 尝试提出公示语汉英翻译三原则: 简洁 一易懂, 并通过选取大量典型 译例, 分析原译文的翻译错误与问题, 比较原译与改译来证明这三条原则对公示语汉英翻译具有理论意义和重要的指导作用 : 公示语; 汉英翻译; 原则; 探索 A bstrac t: O n th e bas is o N ewm ark ps text typology, the au thor tentatively p roposes / three-C 0 principles or pub lic signs translation, nam ely, concise- ness, consistency and comp rehen sib il ity. By app ly ing them to rep resen tat ive cases o m istaken translations and com paring the original w ith the vers ion under the d irect ion o the prin ciple, th is p aper proves that these th ree p rincip les bear certa in theoret ical s ign i icance as w ell as gu id ing values or th e C-E trans la- tion o pub lic s igns. K ey W ords: pub lic signs; C-E translation; tran slat ion p rincip les : H 059 : A : 1004 - 6038( 2008) 02- 0047 - 04 1. ( N ewm ark, 200 1) 56 ( A Tex t B ook of Transla- / tion) , 0 : ( expressive text) ( in orm at ive text ) , ( ) ( vocat ive text) , , , , , , , , , / 0/ Park ing T h is W ay 0; ) ) ) / 0/ C ash ier D esk 0; / 0/ W. C. M en 0 , , ( N ida, 1964: 159 ) 56, / 2005 9 25- 27 , / 0


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