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中草药 =q==e=a 第QS 卷 第U 期 =OMNR 年Q 月 ·NOQT · 黄精产业发展存在的问题及对策研究 1, 2 1, 2 2 姜程曦 ,洪 涛 ,熊 伟 1. 池州市九华山黄精研究所,安徽 池州 242811 2. 温州医科大学药学院,浙江 温州 325035 摘 要:黄精产业作为我国中医药产业的重要组成部分,在资源、种植、加工、市场各个环节中都存在问题,只有找到解决 这些问题的对策,才能保证黄精的产业化、规模化和国际化。通过相关文献的查阅分析,以及各个黄精产区的实地调研对影 响黄精产业发展的问题进行总结,并对相关对策进行研究。对黄精进行规范化种植以及相关产品的综合研究与开发是解决黄 精产业发展问题的最佳手段,是黄精产业未来的发展之路。 关键词:黄精;资源;种植;加工;市场 中图分类号:R284 文献标志码:A 文章编号:0253 - 2670(2015)08 - 1247 - 04 alf 10.7501/j.issn.0253-2670.2015.08.028 p== = == m o JIANG Cheng-xi1, 2, HONG Tao1, 2, XIONG Wei2 1. Jiuhua Mountain Research Institute of Polygonatum, Chizhou 242811, China 2. School of Pharmacy, Wenzhou Medical College, Wenzhou 325035, China l m o industry as an important part of traditional Chinese medicine industry in China, There are a lot of problems in the resources, planting, processing, and each aspect in the market, which affect the m o industry. It is the countermeasures for the corresponding problem that could ensure the industrialization, large scale, and internationalization of m o industry. The corresponding problems are cataloged and the countermeasures which affect m o industry are studied by accessing to a large number of related papers and investigating each m o producing area. The optimal means to solve the problem faced in m o industry is to plant m o in a scale and comprehensive research and development of relative products of m o, which is the way for the development of m o industry in future. h m o ; resources; plant; process; market 黄精m o 是百合科(Liliaceae ) 中医学认为黄精性平、味甘,无毒,归脾、肺、肾 黄精属 m Mill. 多种植物根茎的总称, 经,具有补中益气、润心肺、强筋骨等功能,主治 《中国药典》2010 年版收载了黄精 m 虚损寒热、肺痨咳血、病后体虚、筋骨软弱。现代 Red. 、滇黄精m Coll. et Hemsl. 药理学研究证明,黄精具有增强免疫功能、调血脂、 和多花黄精m Hua 3 种植物为其原生药, 降血糖、延缓衰老等多种药理作用。对黄精化学成 民间药用更为广泛,将近有几


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