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* Slide Objective: To show the UI for deploying Exchange Server 2007. Instructor Notes: As you are getting started with Exchange Server 2007, this UI (user interface) will automatically open to guide you through deploying Exchange Server 2007. It’s simple, clean and lays out the key steps you will be performing. * Slide Objective: To show the UI for the Exchange Server 2007 Setup. Instructor Notes: As you move through the GUI guided experience, you will be introduced to the Exchange Server 2007 Setup. Notice the topics in the left hand pane. By selecting “Next” a wizard will be your GUI guide through the installation steps. * Slide Objective: To show the installation options that are available with Exchange Server 2007 Setup. Instructor Notes: As you proceed with the wizard, you will come to the two installation types that are available to you a) Typical Installation and b) Custom Installation. Notice that the Typical Exchange Server Installation, includes 3 of the 5 server roles. The Unified Messaging server role and the Edge Transport server roles are not required to have messaging and calendaring working with Exchange Server 2007. They, of course, are highly recommended because of the functionality they provide that enhances the Information Worker end user’s experience. The Exchange Management Tools are included in both installation types, for obvious reasons. ? * Slide Objective: To show that with the Custom Installation you can select the server role or roles that you desire to install on a computer. Instructor Notes: If you select the Custom Installation type, you can select the server role or roles that you desire to install on a computer. For example, in a mid-size organization you may want to install the Mailbox, Client Access, Hub Transport, and Unified Messaging server roles on the same computer. The Edge Transport server role and clustered mailbox servers must be installed on their own computers, separate from the other server roles.
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