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Welcome 欢迎进入 Failure Mode and Effects Analysis 失效模式及后果分析 Course Purpose 课程目标 Participant Materials 学员材料 FMEA Handbook FMEA手册 Participant Guide 学员指导书 FMEA -- An Introduction FMEA-简介 Why Do FMEAs? 为何进行FMEA? Definition, Purpose, Benefits, Types FMEA的定义,目的,益处,类型 FMEA Working Model FMEA的工作模式 Generating / Managing 产生/管理 Team Approach 小组法 FMEA – Definition FEMA-定义 Identify potential failure modes 识别潜在的失效模式 Identify and prioritize actions 确定措施,并排列其有限顺序 Document the process 对过程进行文件化 Why Do FMEAs? 为何进行FMEA? To ensure that all potential risks are identified and addressed 确保已经识别并说明所有的潜在风险 Significant savings in engineering time -- reduction in changes immediately before and after Job 1 有效的节约工程时间-减少Job 1之前和之后的即时变化。 FMEA Purposes FMEA的目的 FMEA Purposes FMEA的目的 Campaign Background 活动的背景 Best Practice FMEA FMEA的最好练习 FMEA – Types FMEA-类型 Change Point Approach 变化点的处理 New design or process is planned 计划了新的设计或过程 Modification to a component, process or system is planned, including those due to Global 8D 计划了部件,过程或系统的更改,包括8D过程的更改 Component is to be used in new environment, location, or application 部件将要用于新的环境,现场,或应用。 Benefits/Uses--Concept FMEAs FMEA概念的益处/用法 Helps select optimum concept 帮助选择最适宜的概念 Helps set targets for the concept 帮助制定概念的目标 Identifies testing requirements 识别试验要求 Helps determine if hardware system redundancy is required 帮助决定是否需要 Benefits/Uses--Design FMEAs 设计FMEA-益处/用法 Aids in evaluating requirements and alternatives 帮助评价要求和可供选择的方法 Aids in initial design for DFM, DFA, DFS, and DFR 帮助DFM,DFA,DFS和DFR的初始设计 Helps plan thorough and efficient development and validation programs 帮助进行项目的完整策划,有效开发和确认。 Develops a prioritized list for actions 开发一份按优先顺序排列的措施清单 Helps identify potential special characteristics 帮助识别潜在的特殊特性 Helps validate DVPs and SDSs 帮助确认DVP和SDS Benefits/Uses--Process FMEAs 过程FMEA-益处/用法 Assesses Effects on all customers 评估所有顾客的效果 Identifies potential Manufacturing and Assembly causes to focus controls on reducing occurrence and/or increasing detection 识别潜在的制造和装配原


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