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第一部分:未注公差的线性尺寸和角度尺寸公差,其适用于金属半成品的切削加工和成形加工件。 第二部分:未注公差的几何要素公差 1.线性尺寸:内外部尺寸,阶梯尺寸,直径,半径,距离,倒圆半径,倒角高度 2.角度尺寸 3.机加工装配的线性和角度尺寸 第一部分:除倒角外的线性尺寸公差表: 第一部分:倒圆半径、倒角高度的公差表: 第一部分:角度尺寸的偏差表: 第二部分:直线度和平面度公差 第二部分:直线度公差: 第二部分:对称度一般公差; * As we look to the future to plan the next versions of SQL Server we take a careful look at both The business trends that are changing our customer’s requirements; and The technology trends that will create new opportunities and challenges in the future Before discussing the product investments we’re considering we’d like to take a moment to discuss some of the trends we see as being particularly impactful in the coming years Globalization This is not a new trend but it is one that continues to impact business requirements As companies centralize distributed operations or grow and acquire more global assets it often drives greater scalability requirements for core corporate applications like ERP. As companies do business in more time zones and increasingly 24x7 online it increases availability requirements including the need to minimize and/or eliminate planned downtime for maintenance. The information platform of the future needs to deliver the scalability and availability to meet these requirements. Compliance and Risk Management The larger the number of regions in which you do business the greater the number of regulations with which you need to be compliant. Increasing regulatory requirements and growing volumes of data of all types from documents to scanned images to core relational data continues to increase the challenges around compliance and risk management over the full lifecycle of data from birth to archival. The information platform of the future needs to simplify compliance for all your data. Right Information at the Right Time It’s no longer good enough to simply keep the business running. There are much higher expectations of leveraging data to create competitive advantage.. As it becomes more and more feasible to capture, store


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