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插值法和曲线拟合是两种来源于实际,同时又广泛应用于实际的重要的数值计算方法。随着计算机技术的不断发展以及人类计算机水平的逐步提高,他们在国民经济和科学研究中占据了越来越重要的地位。插值法与曲线拟合结合计算机技术例如MATLAB等编译工具可以用来解决许多实际问题,可以做到高效快捷准确的计算出想要的结果。本文从MATLAB的功能特点出发,研究了数值计算方法中的插值法和曲线拟合两类问题,比较了这两类问题的特点和不同之处,通过多组实验来进行进一步的研究,即使用MATLAB实现通过拉格朗日插值法和曲线拟合解决实际问题。本文中实现了通过拉格朗日插值法解决三个实际问题,包括了二氧化硫与传感器电压问题,最近十年93#汽油价格变化问题以及中石油股票月K线并作图分析。同时还实现了通过多项式曲线拟合解决两个实际问题, 即根据研究氮肥(N)的施肥量与土豆产量的影响所得数据曲线拟合出相关函数关系和铁在冶炼过程中含碳量与时间的关系分析并做图研究得到相应的结论。
关键词: 插值法 曲线拟合 MATLAB 数值计算
Interpolation and curve fitting are two methods come from actual , while widely used in actual important numerical . With the continuous development of computer technology and the gradual improvement of human computer skills , they occupy an increasingly important position in the national economy and scientific research . Interpolation and curve-fitting combining with computer technology and any other building tools such as MATLAB can be used to solve many practical problems by which can be solved quickly and efficiently accurately calculate the desired results. In this paper, starting from the function features of MATLAB to study the numerical method of interpolation and curve-fitting problems , comparing the characteristics of these two types of problems and differences , to carry out further research by two experiments that use MATLAB implementation to solve practical problems by Lagrange interpolation method to achieve a number of practical problems solved by Lagrange interpolation method , including sulfur dioxide and sensor voltage problem , the last decade of 93 # gasoline prices and oil stocks change on K line soldiers plot analysis .It also achieved by polynomial curve fitting solve two practical problems , according to a study of nitrogen (N) fertilization resulting impact on the amount of data and the potato yield curve fitting and the correlation function of the carbon content of iron in the smelting process and time relationship analysis and make the corresponding figure study conclusions .
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