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2015-5-22 Such angry talk resonates. Mrs Warrant received thunderous applause when she told the California Democratic party convention on May 16th, “this country is not working for the working people. It’s working only for those at the top. That’s not the American dream. That’s the American nightmare.” 怎么样,骂的还有点意思吧。主要是你看懂了。 这是美国这边的事,英国这边警察部门和政府的关系也是微妙起来了。 The police have long resisted reductions on their budgets. But few would have thought the fiercest cuts, harshest criticism and clearest diminution in their political clout would come under the Tories, so long the party of law andorder. With David Cameron, the prime minister, determined to save money andreform what he once called the “last great unreformed public service”, theonce-close relationship between the Tories and Britain’s law-enforcers hassoured. 词汇突破: 1.budgets 预算 2. harsh 严酷的 3.diminution 减少量 4.political clout ???治权力 5.Tory 托利党人(保守党人)Tories 6. sour 变坏,变糟糕; 7. the party of law andorder “法制之党”,也就是保守党,一种比喻的说法,因为保守党一直支持增加警力和警力预算。 8. so long 一直以来, 第一句: The police have long resistedreductions on their budgets. 警察一直以来都在抵制减少他们的预算。 第二句: But few would have thought+宾语从句/ 1thefiercest cuts, 3harshest criticism and3 clearest diminution in their politicalclout (in their political clout只修饰clearest diminution ,因为修饰前面的两个并列成分,语义上讲不通顺)/(主语)wouldcome under the Tories, /so long the party of law and order(tories的同位语. 但是没有人想到最大幅的减少预算,最残酷的批评,政治权力方面最明显的削弱居然就来自保守党人。他们可一直以来被人称为“法制之党”。 第三句: With David Cameron, the prime minister, determined to save money and reform what he once called the “last great unreformed public service”, /the once-close relationship between theTories and Britain’s law-enforcers has soured. 第一部分独立成句: David Cameron, the prime minister, isdetermined to save money and reform what he once called the “last great unreformed public service”. 首相卡梅伦决定减少财政支出,并决心改革被其称为“最后一个大型的未被改革的公共服务”。 第二部分: the once-close relationship between the Tories and Britain’s law-enforcers has soured. 于是,曾经亲密的托利党和执法者之间的关系就变得糟糕了。 2015-5-23 今天


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