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共享經濟評價機制之設計 The Design of Sharing Economy Reputational Feedback Mechanism 樂嘉穎 Chia-Ying Yueh1 賈凱傑 Kai-Chieh Chia2 摘要 以使用權替代擁有權的共享經濟觀念日漸蓬勃,大型平臺會透過信任及安全相關機制、 措施及程序來降低風險(如:身份驗證、聲譽機制 、交易安全機制等)。小型網站卻很難 提供這些手段,而是仰賴當事者間的自我營銷,期望交易雙方間能自行約束管制。為了讓 消費者持續且安心使用,讓共享經濟能永續發展,建構適合之評價機制就凸顯其重要性。 本研究有感於共享經濟為近年來快速成長的浪潮,藉由比較數個個案並輔以專業評價網站 使用機制之解析,探討共享經濟評價機制設計建立之要素及特點,並予以給其建議,以供 後續研究參酌價值。 關鍵字: 共享經濟、專業評論網站、評價機制 Abstract Nowadays, more and more people would like to have the right to use rather than have the ownership. To reduce the risk, large platforms will take some measures and procedures through their trust and security systems, for example, they design for authentication, reputation mechanism, transaction security mechanisms and so on. On the other hand, small one is difficult to provide these tools, but to rely on self-marketing between the parties, looking forward to all of parties can control their own constraints . In order to let consumers use at ease, we need to construct adorable and suitable mechanisms for sharing economy. Responding to the rapid growth in recent years, we comparing the number of sharing economy industrial cases, besides, we rely on professional review websites to check their mechanisms. Our study discusses the elements in sharing economy reputational feedback mechanism design and establishment area, and hope to give some suggestions for the light of subsequent research value. Keywords: Sharing Economy, Professional review website, Reputational Feedback Mechanism. 1 東吳大學企業管理學系碩士班研究生 ,E-mail: namiyueh@ 2 東吳大學企業管理學系副教授。 壹、前言 網路科技的普及,行動科技的發展同樣帶動另一波互聯網商機。在人手一機的時代, 上網不再只是在固定場合透過電腦、筆電等進行瀏覽,手機讓我們隨時隨地可以連結上網。 行動科技的發展,讓我們可以利用零散時間,接觸及快速搜尋資訊,智慧型載具


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