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2007 年第 12 期 外 语 与 外 语 教 学 2007 , №12
总 第 2 2 5 期 Foreign Languages and Their Teaching Serial №225
李 红 李于南
(重庆大学外语学院 ,重庆 400044)
摘 要 :本文主要研究两种多媒体词汇注释模式对我国英语专业学生学习英语新词词义和记忆的影响 , 以及我国英语专
( )
业学生对这两种多媒体词汇注释模式所持的态度 。两种词汇注释模式是汉语注释附加读音 即无图片模式 与汉语注释附加
( )
图片和读音 即图片模式 。研究显示图片模式比无图片模式更有利于英语新词词义的学习和长时记忆 ,表明汉语词汇电子注
释并附加图片不但减少了学习中的干扰 ,还有助于在大脑中形成视觉对应 ,提高注意力 ,使得新词词义的学习比无图片模式更
为容易 ,长时记忆的效果更好 。
关键词 :多媒体词汇注释 ;英语新词学习;长时保持
Abstract :This paper report s an empirical study which investigated t he effect of two annotation modes on vocabulary learning and retention in a
Chinese multimedia English learning context and t he responses from Chinese student s concerning t he use of computerized glossing . The two annotation
modes examined are p rinted L 1 definitions wit h p ronunciation or p rinted L 1 definitions wit h pictures and p ronunciation . The study hypot hesized t hat an
notations wit h pictures and p ronunciation were more effective in fosterin g t he learning of t he meanings of new words ,and t hey would p roduce a better ef
fect on t he longterm retention . A wit hinsubj ect design was employed in t he study wit h 30 participant s being measured under two conditions :words
wit h L 1 definitions and p ronunciation ,and words wit h L 1 definitions ,pictures and p ronunciation . Result s of t he study show t hat t he annotation mode of
L 1 definitions wit h pictures and p ronunciation is more effective in learnin g unknown English words t han t hat of L 1 defin