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中国结束雾霾预警中国结束雾霾预警(双语)爱语导读:接下来几天内,冷空气将驱散持续笼罩在中国北方的雾霾。基于此,本周日,中国国家天文台解除了雾霾黄色预警。  China’s national observatory on Sunday lifted a yellow warning for smog, as cold air will disperse lingering smog in north China in the next few days.  接下来几天内,冷空气将驱散持续笼罩在中国北方的雾霾。基于此,本周日,中国国家天文台解除了雾霾黄色预警。  The National Meteorological Center said a cold front will gradually reduce the smog in north China in the next three days, but some areas will still be shrouded by light to moderate smog before Monday.  国家气象中心表示,未来三天内,冷锋将帮助逐渐减少中国北方雾霾,但周一前,局部地区仍将会被轻到中度雾霾笼罩。  As a result, the center decided to call off the yellow warnings for both fog and smog.  于此,国家气象中心决定同时取消黄色大雾及雾霾预警。  China has a four-tier weather warning system, with red representing the most severe weather, followed by orange, yellow and blue.  中国分为四级天气预警系统,红色代表最恶劣天气状况,接下来依次为橙色、黄色、蓝色。  In the past week, heavy smog lingered in most parts of north China, including Beijing and Tianjin municipalities and Hebei Province.  在过去一周,严重雾霾持续笼罩在中国北方大部分地区,其中包括北京、天津直辖市和河北省。  One year after the world’s second-largest economy declared war on pollution following decades of pursuing growth at the expense of air, water and soil quality, air pollution remains the top concern of many citizens, particularly those living in big, industrial cities in central and eastern parts of the country.  世界第二大经济体中国,在几十年里以牺牲空气、水和土壤质量为代价换来了经济增长,在其向污染宣战一年后,空气污染持续成为众多市民(尤其定居在中国中、东部的大工业化城市的市民)担忧焦点。  Density of PM2.5, airborne particles smaller than 2.5 microns in diameter, went off the charts in northeastern Chinese provinces for the better part of last week, slashing visibility, grounding flights and closing highways.  PM2.5密度(空气中直径小于2.5微米的大气尘粒),在大半个星期内持续爆表, 致使能见度降低,航班取消、高速公路关闭。  At one point, the air-quality index (AQI) in six cities in the Liaoning Province exceeded the maximum of 500.  在某一时段,辽宁六所城市空气质量指数均超过500上限值。  Back in the capital Beijing, severe air pollution lingered throughout the weekend, and only showed some signs of abating by late Sunday.  而首都北京整个周末都处于严重空气污染之下,


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