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XXXXXXXXXX学院论文 A Study of the Translation of Imported Medicine Instructions —From the Perspective of Skopostheorie Lucy Lu 指导教师: XXXX 系: 外国语系 年级专业: 2011级英语(XX)1班 提交日期: 2015年 5月6日 答辩日期: 2015年5月16日 答辩委员会主席(签名): 评阅人(签名): 二〇一五年月日 Abstract:With the increasing communication between Chinese and Western medicines, the Chinese medical industry sprung up like mushrooms. More and more imported medicines are introduced into China. It is important that doctor have a better understanding of the medicines as the medicine instruction is one of the most vital terms for the doctors and the patients. Therefore, the translation of imported medicine instruction plays a significant role. Due to the different culture backgrounds and limited resources, it still has some difficulties in translating. Skopostheorie as an essential role in the functional approach releases translation from source text and provides a new perspective to translation. This thesis introduces the translation of the imported medicine instruction from the perspective of its difficulties and complexity, expounds the application of Skopostheorie in this field, to complete the inadequate research in this regard. The purpose of this thesis is to put forth translation strategy,Skopostheorie at it best use on the translation of the imported medicine instruction so as to help the target receivers catch a better understanding of the imported medicine instruction avoiding the potential medical negligence. Key Words: Imported medicine instructions, Skopostheorie, Translation 摘 要 关键词:CONTENTS Ⅰ Introduction 1 II Introduction of Skopostheorie 2 2.1 Historical overview on Skopostheorie 2 2.2 Basic concept of Vermeer’s and Reiss’s Skopostheorie 4 Ⅲ Imported Medicine Instructions and Translation of Imported Medicine Instruction 4 3.1 Imported medicine instructions 5 3.1.1


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