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中国民俗摄影协会 中国民俗摄影协会(简称 CFPA )成立于 1993 年,是 UNESCO (联合国教 科文组织)的合作伙伴,现任会长沈澈担任 UNESCO “全球对话”大使。协会采 用“入会注册登记制”的国际惯例,即凡是热爱民族文化事业的摄影工作者、爱好 者,承认协会章程、履行手续,均欢迎加入 CFPA。所有入会的影友都有机会晋升 为会士、硕学会士、博学会士,真正成为摄影技艺和学术研究都卓有成就的民俗摄 影家。 CFPA 是中国首倡《入会宣言》的 NGO,全体会员宣誓承担促进国家安定团 结的使命,全面传承中华民族优秀文化遗产的使命,加强人类交流和理解,促进世 界和平与发展的使命。在多元文化记录、传播、共享的旗帜下,做中华民族文化精 神传承者,做文化遗产记录者! 18 年来,CFPA 已经在民间蓄集了近 5 万名优秀的以发掘、抢救、保护和研 究文化遗产为目标的记录者,成为了中国文化遗产保护的重要力量。全体会员以摄 影为手段,自觉地投身记录、传播中国文化遗产的工作,以自己的行动促进人民对 本土文化的信心、自尊和自豪,促进中国优秀文化融入世界多元文化共享的潮流。 China Folklore Photographic Association (CFPA) Found in 1993, CFPA is the formal partner of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Shen Che, president of CFPA is the Ambassador for the UNESCOs Mondialogo. CFPA adopts, in accordance with the international convention, member enrollment as its principle. All professional photographers and amateurs loving folk cultural photography are welcome to be members of CFPA, if they acknowledge the principles of CFPA. Every member has the opportunity to promote to Licentiate Member, Associate Fellow Member and Fellow Member and become profound folklore photographer in photography techniques and academic research. CFPA is the leader of Enrollment Declaration among all NGOs in China. All members of CFPA take the responsibility of national stability and peace, as well as passing on the Chinese excellent heritage, aiming at enhancing the communication and understanding of humanity to promote the peaceful development of the whole world. They are to become the successors of Chinese spirit and recorder of the heritage under the flag of recording, spreading and sharing cultural diversity. In the past 18 years, CFPA has gathered almost 50,000 members willing to develop, save and research on the cultural heritage who h



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