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主展厅标识内容(The Main Exhibition Hall) 入口 Entrance 出口 Exit 内有强电,不要接触 Strong Electricity, Please Keep Away 配电间,非工作人员请勿入内 Electrical Distribution Facilities, Staff Only 请勿吸烟 No Smoking 请勿入内 No Admittance 展品维修,暂停使用 Exhibit in Maintenance,Temporarily Closed 温馨提示,请注意保管好您及孩子的随身物品 Kindly Tips: Please Pay Attention To Your And Your Children’s Belongings. 请按秩序入内 Please Enter in Order 本展品为定时表演项目,请听广播通知 The Exhibit Is for Regular Performing Program, Please Listen To The Radio For Information. 男卫生间 Men’s Restroom 女卫生间 Women’s Restroom 广播室,非工作人员请勿入内 Broadcasting Room, Staff Only 江西科技馆主展厅参观须知 开馆时间:9:00-16:30(15:30停止售票后谢绝入场), 每周三至周日开馆,周一、二闭馆。 请预先在科技馆A大门售票处购票,凭票入场。 遵守秩序,自觉排队,人多拥挤时,请听从工作人员的分流引导。 文明观展,不要在展厅内大声喧哗和打闹;自觉维护展厅内清洁卫生,不要乱扔果皮纸屑;禁止在展厅内用餐。 爱护展品,不要穿或翻越软、硬护栏;使用展品前,请仔细阅读展品说明,并按操作规程或在工作人员的指导下操作,不得故意损坏展品。 展厅内严禁吸烟和使用明火,严禁携带尖锐物、管制刀具、易燃易爆物等危险品。 谢绝衣冠不整及穿带轮滑鞋、滑板者进馆,严禁将宠物及一切会发出难闻气体的物品带进馆内。 请自行保管好随身携带的物品。 展厅内设有物品寄存处和洗手间。 10、上下自动扶梯要站在黄线以内,严禁逆行和奔跑。 Notice Opening hours:9:00-16:30 every Wensday to Sunday(no admittance after ticket sales ends at 15:30), closed every Monday and Tuesday. Please buy tickets in advance at the A door, admission by ticket only. Comply with the order and queue up consciously, when there are crowds, please follow the diversion guidance of the staff. Be a civil visitor,no loudly clamor and disturbances are allowed in the exhibition hall; consciously keep the hall clean, don’t litter scraps of paper and other trash peel; dining is prohibited in the hall. Take care of exhibits, do not traverse or climb hard or soft barriers; before making use of exhibits, please read carefully the exhibit text and operate in accordance with operating rules or under the guidance of the staff; no intentionally damage to exhibits shall take place. No smoking and no open fire; the sharp objects, controlled knives, flammable and explosive substances or other dangerous goods are prohibited. People who are scruffy dressed or wearing roller blades or skateboards will be decline


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