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26 5 Vol. 26 No. 5 2010 9 WATER RESOURCES PROTECTION Sep. 2010 DOI: 10. 3969/ j. issn. 100 6933. 2010. 05. 008 1 1 2 1 , , , ( 1. , 10008 ; 2. , 252000) : 为了研究位山引黄灌区农业活动对地下水的污染情况, 采取点面结合方式对灌区地下水水 状况进行 调查, 分析地下水中氮磷的 量浓度, 并根据地下水评价标准进行单指标的水 评价结果表明, 位山灌区 的地下水水 有30% 左右劣于类水 标准, 呈现逐年恶化趋势由于灌区地势平缓, 土壤水分以垂向运 动为主, 灌区地下水中氮素 量浓度受农田灌溉及施肥等农业活动的影响比较显著, 近年来地下水中氮素 量浓度有所增加指出通过灌溉渗漏和排水进入地下水的农业施肥可能是该区域的地下水中氮素逐年累积 的主要原因 : 位山引黄灌区; 地下水水 ; 农业非点源污染 : X592 : B : 100 6933( 2010) Impacts of agricultural activities on ground water quality in Weishan irrigation district 1 1 2 1 TANG Lihua , L I Huimin , LIU Xinbing , ZHAO Hongyang (1. Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 10008 , China; 2. eishanIrrigationDistrict Management Off ice, Liaocheng 252000, China) Abstract: In order to investigate the groundwater pollution status caused by agricultural activities in the Weishan irrigation district along the Yellow River, a water quality survey was carried out using the pointarea combined method. The nitrogen and phosphorus concentration of the groundwater sampleswere measured and analyzed, and the water quality was assessed according the Quality Standards for Ground Water using the singleindex method. The results showed that nearly 30% of the groundwater quality was worse than the level water standard, and the groundwater showed an obvious trend of deterioration year by year. Because of the plain geomorphology, the soil water mainly moved vertically. The nitrogen concentration in the groundwater was affected by irrigation and fertilization remarkably, and increased in recent years. Nitrogen leaching through irrigation and vertical drainage might be the major reason for the nitrogen accumulation in groundwater. Key words: Wei


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