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Read these questions aloud and say the answers. What is ? of 6,000,000? 2. How much is 35,246,000 plus 12,800,000? 3. What is 25% of 200,000,000? three million forty-eight million, forty-six thousand fifty million 4. How much is 260,408,396 and 5,284,700? two hundred, sixty-five million, six hundred, ninety-three thousand, ninety-six 5. What is ? of 1,000,500,000? seven hundred, fifty million, three hundred, seventy-five thousand 6. What is 10% of 800,000,000? eighty million Homework Finish Exercise 9 on P 93. 教师:任蕾 Introduction - 3.Quiz time.(4m) Choose the correct answers to the quiz in Part 1. Then listen and check your answers. Water exists as a solid, a liquid and a gas. When you heat a metal, it expands. Steel is a mixture of iron and other substances. Two-thirds of the earth’s surface is water. The distance of the sun from the earth is 150,500,500 kilometres. The earth is 4.6 billion years old. The earth is forty-nine times larger than the moon. Answers: Introduction – 4.Classification(2m) Put the words in pairs or groups. contract air earth gas liquid oxygen moon solid moon solid expand sun 1 2 3 4 air – gas - oxygen contract - expand earth – sun - moon gas – liquid - solid Introduction – 5.Classification(2m) Put words in the right place. electricity iron metal steel air glass natural man-made both electricity iron air some metals steel glass some metals electricity some metals (alloy for example) Look at the pictures collected by our classmates. Do you know the name of these equipment? test tube tongs balance crucible beaker glass rod Bunsen burner Since you are interested in doing scientific experiments, now let’s get to know some vocabulary and knowledge related to science and experiment. Potassium (钾) Sodium(钠) Calcium(钙) Magn
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