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From driving innovation, Apple has been reduced to a company that churns out incrementally improved iPhones every year. But their marketing blurb is more and more clichéd by the version.
While the iPhone is a beautiful and impressive piece of technology, it is hardly innovative anymore, and has been overtaken by other competitive brands.
PS! This informal analysis is based on the iPhone and competing brands at the time of the 5S-launch in 2013.;First, let’s take a look at the launch slogans of each iPhone.;?This changes everything.?
The slogan for theoriginal iPhone in 2007;?The first phone to beatthe iPhone.?
The slogan for theiPhone 3G, 2008.;?The fastest, most powerful iPhone yet.?
The slogan for theiPhone 3GS, 2009.;?This changes everything... again.?
The slogan for theiPhone 4, 2010.;?The most amazingiPhone yet.?
The slogan for theiPhone 4S, 2011.;?The biggest thing to happen to iPhone since iPhone.?
The slogan for theiPhone 5, 2012.;?Forward thinking.?
The slogan for the upcoming
iPhone 5S, 2013.;It appears that the slogans for any upcoming iPhone are as incremental in their creativity as the level of innovationof the phones themselves.
Also, most slogans for the S-versions end with ?yet?.;Second, let’s compare the different iPhone models.;;Third, to illustrate the incrementality of the features,let’s put the numbers in graphs.;;;;;Fourth, let’s compare the current iPhone 5Sto a couple of leading competitor brandsat the time of launch.;iPhone 5S;Where Apple once (copied LG and) became a world innovative leader in smartphones with the launch of the original iPhone in 2007, they now offer only incremental improvements to the iPhone range.
It has long ago been bypassed by competitors.;Fifth, based on the trends seen in the previous feature timeline graphs, and current media speculation (or leaks) we can now present the iPhone 6 as it will be launched. This prediction has an accuracy of 96%.
We can therefore also with a certainty gr
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