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Our armed forces are called the ChinesePeoples Liberation Army.  我们的武装力量叫做中国人民解放军。  327. August 1 of each year is the Army Day.  每年8月1日是建军节。  328. The PLA used to be called the Red Army at the very beginning.  解放军初期曾叫红军。  329. And then it was known as the Eighth Route Army and the NewFourth Army.  后来又叫八路军和新四军。  330. The highest policy-making body of the PLA is the Military Commissionof the P.R.C.  解放军的最高决策机构是中华人民共和国中央军事委员会。  331. Immediately under it are the PLA General Departments:  下属有解放军各总部:  332. The Headquarters of the General Staff, the General PoliticalDepartment, the General Logistics Department and the? ?? ? General ArmamentsDepartment.  分别是总参谋部、总政治部、总后勤部,总装备部。  333. The PLA is composed of all the arms and services.  解放军由各军兵种组成。  334. They are the Navy, the Air Force, and the Second ArtilleryForces, etc.  他们是海军,空军,第二炮兵等。  335. The PLA has lots of military academies.  解放军有许多军事院校。  336. The University of National Defense is one of them.  国防大学是其中的一所。  337. They are group army, corps, division, brigade, regiment,battalion, company and platoon.  分别是集团军、军、师、旅、团、营、连、排。  338. As for the ranks, we have General, Lieutenant General, andMajor General.  就军衔而言,我们有上将、中将、少将。  339. The middle ranks include Senior Colonel, Colonel, LieutenantColonel, and Major.  校级军衔包括大校、上校、中校、少校。  340. The junior ranks are divided into Junior Lieutenant,Lieutenant, and Captain.  初级军衔分为少尉、中尉、上尉。  341. Soldiers are classified as Private, Specialist Sergeant andMaster Sergeant.  士兵分为列兵、专业军士、军士长。 关于军衔 Army 陆军将官:Field Marshal元帅? ? General上将Lieutenant General中将? ?Major General少将Brigadier准将校官:Colonel上校? ?Lieutenant Colonel 中校? ? Major少校尉官:Captain上尉? ?Lieutenant中尉? ?SecondLieutenant少尉Warrant Officer (Class I)一级准尉? ?WarrantOfficer (ClassII) 二级准尉士官:Staff Sergeant 上士? ? Sergeant 中士? ? Corporal 下士士兵:Lance Corporal 一等兵? ? Private 二等兵? ? Recruit 新兵Air Force 空军将官:Marshal of the Royal Air Force 元帅? ? AirChief Marshal 上将? ?Air Marshal 中将Air Vice Marshal 少将? ? AirCommodore 准将校官:Group Captain 上校? ? Wing Com



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