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Unit 11 [11-1] Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. First of all, let me say welcome. My name is Colonel Reiter and I抦 the Director of Staff. This morning抯 briefing will include short presentations from four branches: G1 ?Manpower and Personnel, G4 ?Logistics, G6 ?Communications and Information Systems, and G9 ?Civil-military Co-operation. Before we begin, I would like to introduce our briefers. On my left is Colonel Shapiro, United States Air Force. Colonel Shapiro is the United States Senior National Representative as well as chief of the G1 division. As you will know, G1 ?the Manpower and Personnel division ?is tasked with administration and with managing military and civilian personnel. I抎 also like to introduce you to Lieutenant Colonel Esteban from the G6 branch. G6 has the mission to plan and organise our communications and information systems. They are also responsible for coordinating security regulations for CIS systems. Our next briefer will be Major Algin from G9. Major Algin抯 branch has the mission of establishing and maintaining contacts with government agencies and non-governmental organisations. Our final briefing will be from Captain Evans, G4. The G4 branch is tasked to coordinate and supervise supply, maintenance, repair, transportation and related logistics matters. [11-2] A: Well, ladies and gentlemen, the next item on this morning抯 agenda is the visit of the Polish CHOD on 11 November. Pablo抯 been the point of contact, so I抣l ask him to bring us up to date. B: Certainly, Lieutenant General Wojak arrives at Madrid airport on 10 November, and he leaves the day after the visit, 12 November. I抳e spoken with the Polish SNR and he told me that the General is especially interested in logistics, CIS and CIMIC matters. This will be his first visit to our Headquarters. A: OK, that seems pretty clear. Pablo, you抮e the Protocol Chief so you have primary responsibility, your office is tasked with preparing and co-ordinating the visit. You抣l als


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