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第6期 2015 年 12 月 上海教育评估研究 Shanghai Journal of Educational Evaluation No. 6 Dec. 2015 地方本科院校大学生学习成绩的城乡差异调查与分析 * 谭荣波,蔡华清 (岭南师范学院,教务处,广东,湛江 524048) 摘要: 近些年,关于大学生学习成绩的研究成果相当丰富,但城乡大学生学习成绩差异比较的 研究目前还较为缺乏。 本文通过对 978 名地方本科院校大学生学习成绩与高考成绩的城乡差异统 计分析,发现城乡大学生的高考成绩不存在显著差异,他们在大学四年的学习总体上也不存在显 著差异。 但是学生的性别、专业及城乡与性别、专业与性别的交互作用对学习成绩有显著影响,高 考成绩对城乡大学生学习成绩的影响与大学专业有关。 本文的分析结论希望为地方本科院校教育 教学工作提供参考,也为教育主管部门对高校实施分类指导提供依据。 关键词: 地方本科院校;大学生;学习成绩;城乡差异;统计分析 中图分类号:G40-058.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2095-3380 2015)06-0025-04( Analysis of the Difference Existed in the Academic Records between Urban Students and Rural Students from Local Universities Tan Rongbo, Cai Huaqing (Academic Adminstration, Lingnan Normal University, Zhanjiang, Guangdong 524048) Abstract: Recently, there have been ma ny results for the study of achievements of university students, but it seems to lack a comparison between students who come from rural areas and from advanced cities. This paper analyses the urban - rural differences between the academic records and the entrance examination records of the university students by an investigation of the 978 students in the local universities. The result from the study shows that there is less distinctive difference either in the entrance examination records or the 4-year academic records between the urban-rural university students, However, factors of sexual distinction and the major have play important roles in the academic records, such as the interaction of urban-rural and sexual distinction, major and sexual distinction. The influence of the entrance examination records to the academic records are relevant to the university major. The results can provide a reference for local universities and governments for * 基金项目:广东省哲学社会科学 十一五”规划项目 GD10XJY05),2013 年广东省高校教学质量与教学改革工程项目。“( 收稿日期:2015-04-23,修回日期:2015-09-09 · 26 · 上海教育评估研究 2015 年 12 月 their decision- making and classified supervision. Keywords: Local universities; University students; Academic records; Urban-rural difference; St


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