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基于矿压监测的煤与瓦斯突出实时预警技术研究及应用 崔俊飞1,2 (1.瓦斯灾害监控与应急技术国家重点实验室,重庆 400037) (2.中煤科工集团重庆研究院有限公司,重庆 400037 ) 摘要:矿山压力是影响煤与瓦斯突出的一项重要因素。本文通过研究新景公司矿压显现与突出危险性演变规律之间的关系,提出了一种新的突出实时预警技术。分析和总结了矿压变化的特征与规律,确定了适用于新景公司的突出预警指标体系。采用数据采集服务、预警分析服务、客户端的软件构架思路,在矿井现有的矿压监测系统、井下环网、办公网的基础上构建了基于矿压监测的煤与瓦斯突出实时预警系统,实现了兼容多种矿压监测系统的数据采集、矿压在线分析与实时预警,预警准确率高,应用效果良好,为保障矿井的安全生产提供了先进的手段。 关键词:矿压监测;煤与瓦斯突出;预警 The study and application of coal and gas outburst real-time pre-warning technology based on mine pressure monitoring CUI Jun-fei1,2 (1.State Key Laboratory of The Gas Disaster Detecting,Preventing and Emergency Controlling, Chongqing 400037, China) (2.China Coal Technology Engineering Group Chongqing Research Institute,Chongqing 400037,China) Abstract: It is an important factor of rock pressure in mine to affect coal and gas outburst. Through the study of ground pressure appearance and coal and gas outburst risk evolutions of Xinjing company, the thesis proposes a new outburst real-time pre-warning technology. On the basis of analyzing and summarizing the change characteristics and regularity of ground pressure, it is identified the outburst pre-warning index system which applies to the Xinjing company. With data collecting service, pre-warning analysis service, and client software architecture ideas, on the base of manual mine pressure monitoring system, the ring network underground, and the office network, it is built mine pressure monitoring outburst real-time pre-warning system, and achieved the data acquisition which are varieties of compatible mine pressure monitoring systems, mine pressure online analysis and real-time pre-warning. The accurate rate of pre-warning is high, and it has good application effect to provide advanced means of guaranteeing mine safety. Key words: mine pressure monitoring ; coal and gas outburst; pre-warning 0引言 矿井煤与瓦斯突出灾害是矿山灾害中最为严重的灾害之一。影响煤与瓦斯突出的因素较多,矿山压力对煤与瓦斯突出的影响是其中一项重要的因素, 也是现今矿山压力研究的一项新内容[1,2]。目前国内诸多矿井在采掘生产过程中已经明显发现矿压的变化与瓦斯突出有着严密的关系[3]。 山西新景矿煤业有限责任公


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