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08-09(A) 1 BCACB 2 DBDAC 3 BCACB 翻译(英译汉) 美国地质勘探局于本周三发布报告称,目前北极圈内可开采石油储量预计为900 亿桶, 可满足全球近三年的石油需求量。另外,据该政府机构介绍,北极圈内的天然气储量为 47 万亿立方米。 地质勘探局局长马克·梅尔斯说:“在我们就未来如何使用石油和天然气以及如何保护濒危物种、土著居民和地球健康等问题做出决定之前,要知道那里都有些什么。”“这一估测让全世界的人们都认识到了目前的形势,所以大家可以一起来做那些艰难的决定。” 非赢利组织“洁净空气观察”主席弗兰克·奥·多尼尔说,如今,北极圈内的极地熊和其它野生动物不仅因全球变暖正面临无处栖息的危险,还会因石油企业的疯狂开采而受到威胁。 北极圈内近900 亿桶的石油储量预计可满足全球近三年的需求,目前全球石油的日需求量为 8640 万桶。地质勘探局称,目前北极地区未探明的石油储量占 全球储量的 30%,未探明的天然气储量占 30%,液态天然气占 20%。这是该机构首次发布有关北极圈内可用油气资源的勘测报告。 翻译(汉译英) Half of the world’s population could face food shortages by the end of this century due to climate change, a new study warned, Thursday. According to researchers, there is a 90 percent probability that by 2100 the minimum temperatures in the tropics and subtropical regions will be higher than the maximum so far recorded in those areas. The effect on crop-growing in those regions world be dire, according to the projections based on direct observations and data culled from 23 computer models on the planet’s evolving climate patterns. “The stresses on global food production from temperature alone are going to be huge and that doesn’t take into account water supplies stressed by the higher temperatures”, said David Battista, a University of Washington atmospheric sciences professor. In the tropics, the warmest temperatures will cut maize and rice harvests by 20 to 40 percent, the researchers said. The hotter weather will also reduce the moisture in the soil, cutting yields even further. Some three billion people, or half the world’s population currently live in tropical and sub-tropical regions, and their number is set to double by the end of the century. These regions stretch from northern India, southern China to much of Australia area all of Africa, and also extend from the southern United States to northern Argentina and southern Brazil. 09-10(A) 1 CBDCD 2 DBDAC 3 ACDBB 翻译(英译汉) 瑞典一项研究发现,在工作中受到不公正待遇时忍气吞声的男性职员患心脏病或死于该疾病的几率比公开表达不满的人高五倍。 斯德哥尔摩大学压力研究所开展的此项研究对2755名男性职员进行了跟踪调查。这些职员在1992年至2003年间无心脏病史。


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