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完善个人信息保护的法律问题研究 【摘要】:随着经济的高速发展,社会进入了信息时代,手机、互联网充斥在我们生活、工作的各个角落,然而个人信息泄露却泛滥成灾。个人信息安全问题成为公众的热议话题之一。本文从最近几年发生的个人信息泄漏事件入手,引出个人信息侵害严重已经扰乱了人们的正常生活,急需制定专门法律予以保护的论题。在这问题的背后我们应该做出深刻的反思:这些信息究竟是哪些部门收集、哪些部门泄露出去的,其中又有着怎样的利益黑幕。但是,目前,我国个人信息保护法还没有出台,个人信息保护制度总体系还不完善。这种状况一方面不利于对个人信息的保护,另一方面也不利于我国信息的自由流通和国际的交流合作。因此,我国个人信息保护法律制度在制定方面应加快步伐。 【关键词:Research on perfecting the legal problems of the protection of personal information 【Abstract】 In recent years with the development of information network technology, Internet has been widely used in society; nevertheless, the abuse of personal information and privacy are becoming increasingly serious, therefore, personal information security has become one of the hot topics of the public. The current research begins with personal information leakage incidents occurred in recent years which leads to disruption of peoples normal life, and it calls for the urgent need to enact specific laws to be the topic of protection. Behind this problem, we should make a deep reflection: this information is collected and leaked by which departments? And what kind of nets of interests it involves? Chinas information collection, storage sector is difficult to dissociate itself from, and made everyone angry is the benefit of themselves or their departments, some insiders selling information to shield each other, collusion. Let the public is very concerned about. However, at present, Personal Information Protection Law has not yet introduced in China , personal information protection system is not perfect. This situation on the one hand is not conducive to the protection of personal information, on the other hand is not conducive to the free flow of information in China and international exchanges and cooperation. Therefore, the legal system of Chinas protection of personal information should be accelerated. 【keywords】:personal information,conceal,present situation,?legal protection (1)个人信息与个人隐私的关系 “个人信息”与“个人隐私”不仅称谓不同,它们包含内容的范围也不相同最早对个人隐私进行研究的学者,著名的美国法学家萨缪尔·D?沃伦和


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