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SHANDONGUNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 毕业设计说明书 石马路施工图设计 学 院: 建筑工程学院 专 业: 土木工程  学生姓名:  张 震  学 号: 12110902021 指导教师:  贾致荣  2016 年 6 月 摘 要 本次毕业设计的内容是博山区石马路施工图设计。博山区石马镇北山旅游路建设工程位于石马镇政府北侧山区,大致呈东西走向,是一条山区的旅游路。道路西起桥西村村北生产路,东至凤凰山山顶。石马路是一条二级公路,路面和路基的宽度分别为17m和24m、设计时速为60km/h、道路全长约6.213公里,两侧人行道各3.5m、本次设计的约1.879公里。我们根据石马镇政府的委托,对博山区石马路进行设计。 此设计项目设计工作的完成基于以下条件:充分利用大学阶段所学的专业知识;查阅与道路设计有关的书籍和文献,按照相关规范和标准的要求选取参数;学习并充分利用相关的道路设计软件,如纬地、鸿业等;在指导老师的指导下进行修改和完善。主要设计成果是首先利用外业调研资料完成道路的平纵横设计、其中最重要的就是道路的选线设计、这是以后其他工作的基础;接下来完成道路的安保工作(如道路交通安全标志标线、护栏)以及路基路面等相关设计;最后还需要进行道路排水、交叉口以及公路以及概预算相关方面的设计。 关键词:公路施工;道路选线;路基路面;工程概算 Abstract The content of the graduation design is the stone road engineering construction drawing design. Rebuilt on stone horse town of beishan road construction project is located in the north of the mountains, the stone horse road is roughly east-west direction, is a tourist road of mountain area. Road west from qiaoxin village north production road, east to the phoenix mountain to the top of the mountain. This road is a secondary highway, the pavement width of this road is 17 m,;the subgrade width of this road is 24 m, the design speed of this road is 60 km/h, the longth of this road is 6.213km and the both sides of 3.5 m, the design of pavement of about 1.879 km. We according to the stone horse town government commission, Boshan District stone road design. The completion of the project design work based on the following conditions: make full use of college major knowledge; Relating to the road design books and literature, selection of parameters according to the requirements of relevant norms and standards; Study and make full use of the relevant road design software, such as weft, hongye, etc; Under the guidance of instructors are modified and perfected. Main design work is using the data of field survey road flat vertical and horizontal design, the most important thing is the road line selection desig


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