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提高英语成绩的三大顶级方法!   Improve your Pronunciation   改善发音方式   Choose a paragraph and read aloud.   选择一个段落并大声朗读。   Choose a paragraph and mark each sentence with a sound script (helpful pronunciation markup). This will help you read more naturally and thus pronounce correctly.   选择一个段落并给每个句子标上音标(这是很有用的读音标记)。这样你就能更自然准确地发音了。   Choose a few sentences from your reading material and highlight content words. Read these sentences focusing on accenting these content words, while quickly speaking over the structure words.   从阅读材料中选择一些句子并突出实义词的读音。然后在朗读这些句子的时候,注意重读这些实义词,而功能词则只需快速读过。   Once you become comfortable reading a single paragraph aloud, read an entire page by reading a paragraph aloud and then reading one silently.   当你开始游刃有余地大声朗读一个段落的时候,那就大声朗读一整页中的一个段落,然后再默读一个段落。   Choose some nursery rhymes to practice. They will help you with pronunciation through rhythm.   选择一些童谣来练习。这样会使你在朗读的过程中更有节奏感。   Read a short story or a few paragraphs to a friend who is also studying English. Compare the differences and discuss what might be the reasons for the differences.   跟一位正在学英语的朋友读一篇短篇故事或者是几个段落。比较它们之间的区别并讨论造成差异的原因。   Choose a paragraph, short article or newspaper story with new vocabulary. Use the Babylon dictionary or other online pronunciation resource to help you learn the correct pronunciation of these words.   选择一个有新词汇的段落,短文或者是报纸新闻,使用巴比伦词典或者其他在线读音资源来帮助你纠正这些单词的发音。   Read a play with some friends. Each friend takes a different part. Start with short scenes. Once you are comfortable, read longer pieces together.   和朋友一起朗读剧本,每个人扮演着不同的角色。首先从短剧开始,然后当你适应了,再进行长剧的练习。   Improve your Vocabulary   扩大词汇量   Construct vocabulary trees from short stories or articles you are reading.   通过阅读短篇小说或文章构建词汇树形表。   Build mind maps based on the stories or articles you are reading.   以正在阅读的文章为基础构建思维导图。   Photocopy a page or an article and highlight all the words you do not understand. Look up those words and add them to your vocabulary diary.   复印一页或者是一个篇章并标出所有你不认识的单词。查字典并把它们记录在你的词汇本里面。   When you come across a w


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