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DHT97 原装进口数字I2C温湿度传感器 电容型可替代SHT10...
Humidity Temperature Solution
_ Fully Calibrated Temperature Compensated
_ Digital or Analog Output with Alarm Function
_ Precision Accuracy (±2%RH, ±0.3°C, 14 bit )
_ Free Operating Voltage (min 2.3V to max 5.5V)
_ Low Current Consumption
_ SMD Package for Automated Assembly
_ Reliable in Harsh Environment
Product Summary
DHT97 offers the most advanced and cost effective humidity and temperature sensing solution for
virtually any type of applications. Capacitive polymer sensor chip developed and fabricated in-house
and CMOS integrated circuit with EEPROM are integrated into one embedded system in a reflow
solder-able SMD package. Individually calibrated and tested, DHT97 performs ±2% from 20% to
80%RH (±3% over entire humidity range), and yet, is simple and ready to use without further
calibration or temperature compensation.
DHT97 provides linear output signals in various interfaces to customer requirements - the standard I²C
interface with an optional SPI output, PDM convertible to analog signal, and an Alarm function for
preset control at min/max humidity. Designed and manufactured by industry leading humidity and
temperature sensing technology of DABECO – field proven in HVAC and Auto industry for over 10
years, DHT97 offers another sensible sensing solution for excellent reliability, high accuracy, and cost
effective sensing applications.
Energy Saving HVAC Control
Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, IAQ monitoring,Vent Fans, Home Appliances, Humi/Dehumidifiers
Process Control Instrumentations
Medical Instruments, Handheld Devices, Weather Stations, Food Processing, Printers, RFIDs
Automobile Transportation
Cabin Climate Control, Defogging Control Condensing Preventive Devise
Mass Quantity Application
OEM custom specification available
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