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30 1 实 验 室 研 究 与 探 索 V o .l 30 N o. 1 20 11 1 RESEARCH AN D EXPLORAT ION IN LABORATORY Jan. 20 11 M atlab / S mu l nk 尚 丽, 崔 鸣, 陈 杰 ( , 215 104) : 分析了M atlab / Sm ul nk仿真技术在转速电流双闭环不可 直流调速系统中的应用文中采 用面向电气原理结构图的仿真方法建立了仿真模型; 简述了主电路和控制电路的建模和参数设置方法, 同时改变转速和电流调节器的参数设置, 利用 S m ul nk 的仿真功能对双闭环直流调速系统的调速性能 进行了仿真实验分析, 并给出直流电动机的转速和电枢电流仿真波形仿真实验结果表明该方法能够 大大减少双闭环直流调速系统的调试强度, 仿真结果和理论分析结果一致, 从而验证了该方法的合理性 和可行性 : M atlab /S m ul nk仿真; 双闭环; 直流调速系统; 调节器; 仿真模型 : TP 391. 91; G 424. 31 : A : 1006- 7167 ( 2011) 01- 0 181- 05 Application of M atlab/ Simulink Sim ulation Technique in Double C losedloop DC Speed Governing Experim ental Teaching SHAN G L i, DA I Guip ing, CH EN J ie, H UA I W enj un ( Departm ent o f E lectron c Inform at on Eng neer ng, Suzhou V oca t ona l Un vers ty, Suzhou 2 15104, Ch na) Abstract Th s paper ana lyzed the app l cat on o f M at lab /S m ul nk smu lat on techn que n ro tat ng speed and current doub leloop rrevers b le DC m otor contro l system. U t l z ng the sm u lat on m ethod of fac ng electr c pr nc ple construct on d agram, the system s sm ulat on m ode l w as bu lt. The m odel ng and param eter sett ng m e thods of m a n c rcu t and contro l c rcu t w ere also ntroduced . A t the sam e t m e, chang ng the param eter sett ng o f speed and current regu la tors, the sm ulat on experm ental analys s of the speed perform ance o f the doub leloop DC m oto r m ontrol system w as m ade by us ng Sm u l nk smu lat on, and the sm ulat on waves of speed and current o f DC m otor w ere a lso g ven out. The smu lat on resu lts show ed that th s m ethod can reduce the ad ju st ng d ff cu lty o f the doub leloop DC control system, and the


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