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第 33 卷 第 4 期 北 京 科 技 大 学 学 报 Vol. 33 No. 4 2011 年 4 月 Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing Apr. 2011 TH50 型码垛机器人 动态静力学分析 李金泉 段冰蕾 南 倩 , 100876 北京 邮电大学自动化学院 北京  通信作者 ,E-mail: buptljq@ sina. com. cn TH50 , 摘 要 针对 型码垛机器人采用 曲柄摇块机构驱动 回转副这种新构型 利用动态静力学方法将 瞬时惯性力系转化为静 , . Matlab 力系 通过机器人整体及其子系统的力系平衡方程建立 了机器人 的动态静力学模型 利用 编制 了求解其关键零部件 以 , . TH50 , 及关键轴 的受力状态的程序 并进行 了实例计算和分析 该模型 已成功应用于 码垛机器人 的设计 和校核 样机 的 良好 运行表 明了该模型的正确性. 关键词 机器人; 码垛; 力学分析; 动力学; 模型 分类号 TP 242 Kineto-static analysis on a TH50 type palletizing robot LI Jin-quan ,D UAN Bing-lei ,NAN Qian Automation School ,Beijing University of Post and Telecommunication ,Beijing 100876 ,China  Corresponding author ,E-mail: buptljq@ sina. com. cn ABSTRACT For the new configuration of a palletizing robot whose revolute pair is drived with a rocker-crank mechanism ,its instan- taneous inertial force system was transformed into a static system by using kineto-static methods. A kineto-static model of a TH50 pal- letizing robot was derived from the force equilibrium equations of the robot and its subsystems. Computer programs for calculating the forces of the robot ’s key components were written in Matlab and a sample was given and analyzed. The results show that the kineto- static model is correct and it has been successfully used in the design of a TH50 palletizing robot. KEY WORDS robots; palletizing; mechanical analysis; dynamics; models --


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