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21 6 V ol . 2 1, No . 6
2009 6 J our nal of Ir on and Steel Research June 2009
1 2 3
刘阳春, 傅 杰 , 吴华杰
( 1. , 100041; 2 . , 1000 83;
3. , 100083
: AlN
, A lN , ,
, A lN
A lN , AlN
: AlN ; ;
: T G1421 : A : 1001-0963( 2009 06- 0020- 04
Precipitation of Aluminum Nitride in Low Carbon Aluminum-Killed Steel
1 2 3
L IU Y ang- chun , F U Jie , WU H ua- jie
( 1. Sho ug ang T echno lo gy Resear ch Institute, Beij ing 100041, China; 2 . Schoo l of M et allur gical and Ecolog ical
Engineer ing , U niversit y of Science and T echno log y Beij ing , Beij ing 1000 83, China; 3 . M etallur gical
Engineer ing Research Inst itute, U niver sity o f Science and T echnolog y Beijing , Beijing 100083, China
Abstract:T he precipit ation of aluminum nitr ide in low carbon aluminum- killed steels pro duced by T SCR is st udied
by means of heat t reatment and chemical phase analysis . T he r esult s show that only a small quantity o f nit rog en is
chang ed into aluminum nit ride in lo w car bo n alum inum- killed st eel produced by T SCR , and the gr eat mass of ni-
tro gen in steel is still f ree nitro gen . A luminum nitride is ma inly pr ecipitated during the perio d o f slo w air co oling
after co iling the hot r olled sheet , but not pr ecipitated during the period of co ntinuou s casting befo re enter ing t he
furnace, symmetr ical heating in t he furnace, hot r olling and w ater coo ling . T he aluminum nitr ide cant r ef ine t he
g rain of steel .
Key words: alum