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北京工业大学本科生毕业论文 目录 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT- 48 -  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT - 1 - 摘要  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT I 摘要 随着当今社会老龄化进程的逐步加剧,老年人跌倒造成的致病率、住院率和死亡率急速提高,带来了严重的社会经济负担。因此,在不影响老年人正常活动的前提下,通过科学的手段监测老年人的活动,在检测到跌倒后迅速报警求助,可以有效地减少老年人跌倒带来的健康伤害和医疗开支。 在分析比较国内外跌倒检测相关技术研究后,本文提出了一种基于三轴加速度传感器和陀螺仪的跌倒检测与报警系统。三轴加速度传感器和陀螺仪实时采集老人在日常活动中产生的加速度和角速度数据,通过蓝牙传送到Android手机。手机上运行的软件对接收到的数据进行分析处理,并判断老年人的运动状态。当系统检测到跌倒发生时,发出铃声提醒老人,老人可以确认报警或取消误报。若在5s内没有做出响应,系统将按照设定的报警方式通知联系人。报警方式有发短信和打电话,短信内容包含老年人跌倒时所在的位置信息。老人也可以在感到身体不适时自主报警。 关键词:跌倒检测,跌倒报警,Android Abstract As the world aging process quickened, fall accidents of the elderly resulting in the increase of morbidity, hospitalization rate and mortality rate has brought a serious social and economic burden. Therefore, in the premise of not affecting the normal activities of the elderly, reliable method, which can monitor an elder’s daily activities and alert care center when detect a fall, is essential to reduce fall related injuries and medical expenses. Based on the analysis of the fall detection technology in the world, this paper presents an autonomous fall detection and alerting system based on a 3-axial accelerator and gyroscope. The 3-axial accelerator can capture the data about the activities of daily living of the elders, the data is then sent to a mobile phone via Bluetooth. The software runs on the phone will analyze and process the data and judge an elder’s movement state by using a threshold-based fall detection algorithm. When the system detects a fall, the phone will make sound to alert the elder, the elder can make sure the alert or cancel the false positive. If there is no response in 5s, the system will alert according the settings. The alert methods are sending text messages and making calls. The message contains the position information of the elder who falls. The elder can also alert by himself when he feels bad. Key Word: fall detection, fall alert, Android 目录  TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l _Toc357785937 摘要  PAGEREF _Toc3


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