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硕 士 学 位 论 文 论文题目:辽代边境防御策略与军事部署研究 Study on Border Defense Strategy and Military Deployment in Liao Dynasty 作者姓名: 作者学号: 指导教师: 论文密级: 专业名称:中国古代史 单位年级:政治与历史学院2010级 完成日期:2013年4月 研究生学院 辽边境防御策略与军事部署研究STUDY ON BORDER DEFENSE STRATEGY AND MILITARY DEPLOYMENT IN LIAO DYNASTY ABSTRACT The Liao Dynasty (907 BC - ad 1125) was founded by Qidan nationality in a powerful Dynasty in northern china. The vast territory, numerous nationalities, and the surrounding countries and regions with extensive and complex. The border defense and military deployment has been the ruler of great concern and attention, has important historical significance and realistic value to study the characteristics and effects of border defense and military deployment. On the basis of the border around the situation and characteristics, the deployment of defense is mainly in the south of the border to the Northern Song Dynasty military power as the focus, followed by the northwest, southwest, Southeast of prevention and other ethnic separatist forces. Liao Dynasty set up military institutions in the mainland and the border and military conquest, peaceful trade, immigrant, to appease a series of measures, such as to strengthen the defense, to safeguard national security and border stability. Liao at the border area set up edge Fangcheng, according to immigration, border development and stability in the region. Liao army constitutes a complex, focus on the tasks are different, but the conquest and defense is their common center task. The border defense main characteristic is rule by custom, play off one power against another, put soldiers on farm work, its flexible, highlighting its minority regime and their many ethnic characteristics. The country more than 200 years, although with the surrounding countries and regions often have a military conflict, during which the outcome of each other, but not the loss of territory, it is proved that the border defense, military deployment policies generally successful, ef


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