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Stage Assembly End of pinion with match mark. Stage Assembly Match mark on back of impeller. Rotor bolt and washer are inserted at this time. Stage Assembly Install impeller with match marks aligned. Wiggle impeller back and forth so as to feel the keys contact. Stage Installation While holding impeller with one hand, after engaging slots on “keeper” preload impeller. Screw in impeller bolt with other hand. Tighten impeller so match marks align. Make sure 271 Loctite Stage Assembly Diffuser and Deswirl ring. Three cap screws join them together. Stage Assembly Note the word”TOP” stamped in the deswirl ring. The diffuser has “TOP” stamped also. Use these to reference there fit up. Also for their alignment in the compressor. Stage Assembly Align top and install three hex head cap screws with lock washers. Snug these bolts , do not tighten. Stage Assembly Centering bolts , three total. Hex head cap screws with jamb nuts. Stage Assembly Install diffuser /deswirl assembly into compressor using “top” as a guide to locate assembly onto studs. Stage Assembly Assembly as it sits on studs. Install the flat washers, lock washers, and nuts. Stage Assembly Snug the three studs which are for diffusser. Stage Assembly Center diffuser carefully. Clearances are tight , use care . After centering diffuser tighten diffuser nuts. Recheck clearance. Stage Assembly Now center deswirl ring. Same method. Tighten stud nuts on deswirl after setting clearance. Tighten all nuts and bolts. Recheck clearances. Stage Assembly Once clearances are set and double checked. All cap screws and nuts should be tightened.. Stage Assembly Are all nuts and bolts tight? Stage Assembly Back off centering bolts. Lock jamb nuts. Remove centering bolts entirely if desired. Stage Ass


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