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一种基于分簇的无线传感器网络 MAC协议 柳卫平1, 2 ,  王培康1 ( 1. 中国科学技术大学 电子工程与信息科学系 , 合肥 230027; 2. 解放军通信指挥学院 通信与指控系统教研室 ,武汉 4300 10)   摘要 :本文提出了一种基于分簇结构的无线传感器网络 MAC协议 。在基于层次式路由协 议的分簇网络结构中 ,通过综合基于竞争和基于时分复用协议的优缺点 ,将时间划分为交替的 随机访问和调度访问两个阶段 ,在随机访问阶段簇内节点采用 CSMA / CA 实现无线信道共享 。 在调度访问阶段 ,节点根据簇首分配的时隙实现数据无冲突通信 。在簇与簇之间采用 FDMA 避免信道干扰实现网络的扩展 。分析和仿真结果表明本协议在能量效率 、时间同步和网络扩 展上都有所改进 。   关键词 :无线传感器网络 ;MAC协议 ; CSMA / CA ;时间同步   中图分类号 : TP302  文献标识码 : A   文章编号 :(2009) 02 005304 A Clu sterBased MAC Protocol for W ireless Sen sor N etwork 1, 2 1 L IU W eip ing ,  WAN G Peikang ( 1. D ep artm ent of E lectron ic Engineering , U n iversity of Science and Technology of Ch ina, H efei 230027, Ch ina; 2. D ep artm en t of comm un ication and control system , Comm un ication and Comm and A cadem y of PLA , W uhan 4300 10, Ch ina) A b stract: Th is p ap er p ropo se s a clu ster - ba sed W SN MAC p rotoco l . In the clu ster - ba sed network ba sed on the h ierarch ieal rou ting p rotoco l, the tim e is d ivided in to the tu rn of the random acce ss stage and schedu ling visit stage th rough comp aring the advan tage s and d isadvan tage s of the p rotoco l ba sed on comp etition and ba sed on TDMA. In random acce ss stage, the node in clu ster u se s CSMA / CA to share w irele ss channel. In the Schedu ling acce ss stage, node s ach ieve data comm un ication s unconflict in tim e slot that wa s allocated by the clu ster head node. Among differen t clu sters, FDMA is adop ted to avo id in terference and exp and network. A nalysis and sim u lation re su lts show that the p rotoco l have imp roved in energy efficiency, tim e syn


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