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技术交流 | Technical Exchange [摘 要] 本文介绍了大型风电场智能化建设所涉及到的关键应用,着重介绍了用到的风功率预测系统、风机监控 系统、状态监测系统、箱变监控系统的主要功能及网络设计,这些系统的综合应用对于确保风电场设备安全运行、辅 助决策和调度、提高运维效率有着重要的借鉴意义。 [关键词] 智能风电场、风功率预测系统、风机监控系统、状态监测系统、箱变监控系统 [abstract] the critical applications involved in intelligent building of large wind farms is described in this paper. The main functions and network design of wind power forecasting system, wind turbine monitoring system, state monitoring system, and box transformer monitoring system are emphasized. The integrated application of these systems has important referential significance for ensuring the safe operation of wind farm equipment, auxiliary decision and scheduling and improving the efficiency of operation and maintenance. [Key words] intelligent wind farm, wind power forecasting system, wind turbine monitoring system, state monitoring system, box transformer monitoring system 大型智能风电场关键应用探讨 Development StatuS anD ReSeaRch pRogReSS foR flutteR SuppReSSion technology of laRge-Scale WinD tuRbine blaDe 1 1 1 1 1 成红兵 袁 炜 祁 立 李建伟 薛建 (1.许昌许继风电科技有限公司 河南 许昌 461000) Cheng Hongbing, Yuan Wei , Qi Li, Li Jianwei ,Xue Jian1 1 1 1 1 (1 XJ Wind Power Technology Co., Ltd., Xuchang 461000, Henan Province) 引言 introduction 随着全球能源供应紧张,环境问题日益 With the short of global energy supply, environmental issues have become 突出,风能作为一种清洁的可再生能源,越 increasingly prominent. The wind energy as a kind of clean, renewable energy, has received more and more attention to the countries in the world. This promotes the 来越多的得到世界各国的关注,促使了全球 vigorous development of the glob


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