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2009 15 2 POPULAT ION DEVELOPM ENT Vol. 15 No. 2 2009 杜鹏, 杨慧 ( , 100872) : 在我国人口快速转变过程中, 亚洲各国也经历了生育模式和死亡模式的快速转变, 人口 龄化格 局发生了重要变化结合这 一变化, 利用联合国必威体育精装版数据, 在扩大人口 龄化比较对象延长比较时间 的基础上, 对我国及亚洲各国的人口 龄化程度速度和 年人口规模进行了比较, 提出了对我国人口 龄化特点的新认识, 即中国人口 龄化程度较高人口 龄化速度较快, 年人口规模大在未来 60 年内中国都是世界上 年人口最多的国家 : ; ; : C924124 : A : 1674 1668( 2009) 02 0075 06 Com parative Study on Popu lation A geing Betw een Ch ina and A sian Coun tries DU Peng, YANG Hui (C en tre f or P op ula tion and D evelopm ent S tud ies, R enm in Un iversity of Ch ina, B eij ing 100872, Ch ina ) Abs tract: Compared w ith developed countries, the main characteristics of population ageing in China have been regarded as a rapid ageing society. H owever, China and otherA sian countries have been experiencing the demographic transition smi ultaneously, it is better to understand the characteristics of population ageing in China when compared w ith other Asian countries. U sing the latestUN data, this paper compares the percentage of elderly population, the speed of ageing and the size of aged population among China and otherA sian countries. The result indicates that China has a relatively high percentage of aged population, relatively rapid ageing population and w ill keep the largest size of aged population of theworld in the next 60 years. K ey w ords: population ageing; speed of ageing; size of aged population 1 , [ 1] , , , , , , , , : 2008 09 17 : ( 1963) ), , , , : ; ( 1973) ) , , , :


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