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雷达式物位仪 E+H China E+H China Insert footer information 电容物位计 ( 射频导纳) 安装和操作 - 电容的安装 安装和操作 - FTC420和EC61Z的接线 安装和操作 - FTC420的标定-1.选择电容范围 将旋钮逆时针转到0位 开关选择位置1 将旋钮顺时针旋转直到红灯闪烁 若红灯一直不亮,开关选择2,重复第3步 若红灯仍不亮,开关选择3,重复第3步 安装和操作 - FTC420的标定-2. 标定 低报警: 将旋钮转到0位 顺时针慢慢转动旋钮,直到红灯点亮 当找到确切的开关位置后,将旋钮逆时针旋转半圈 高报警: 将旋钮转到0位 顺时针慢慢转动旋钮,直到红灯熄灭 当找到确切的开关位置后,将旋钮逆时针旋转半圈 Equation to calculate the capacitance The capacitance of a capacitor depends on three factors. Distance between the electrodes (d) Dimensions of the electrodes (A) Dielectric between the electrodes (?r) The dimensions of the electrodes (A) and the dielectric constant (?r) are proportional to the capacitance. The distance between the electrodes behaves vice versa, which means with a decreasing distance the capacity is increasing. Normally, the geometrical dimensions (d, A) are constant. Therefore, the capacity only depends on the change in dielectric of the material between the electrodes. Notes .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... Presentation documentation Capacitance E+H Maulburg 1. Basics 1-3 Dielectric constant: The dielectric constant is a specific material constant. The dielectric constant of air ?air = 1. Because the dielectric constant of the material ?r is always bigger than 1, the capacitance increases as the level rises. To guarantee a reliable level measurement the dielectric constant should be at least ?r = 1.7 and be stable in its value. In general, a change in the dielectric constant due to possible humidity is not suitable for a capacitive level measurement. Notes .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... ...................
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