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Questions? 谢谢! The GE Sensing gas purity analyzer is based on the principle of thermal conductivity measurement. As the relative thermal conductivity of Hydrogen versus other gasses is significantly different (fig 2) it permits the measurement of concentration of binary or pseudo binary gas mixtures In the XMTC gas analyzer, two precision glass coated thermistors are used - one in contact with the sample gas and the other in contact with the reference gas (such as air in a sealed reference chamber). The thermistors are mounted close to the stainless steel (or Hastelloy) wall of the chamber. The thermistors are built in a constant current Wheatstone bridge at app. 150 oC. They lose heat to the walls of the sample chamber at a rate that is proportional to the thermal conductivity of the gas surrounding them. Thus, each thermistor will reach a different equilibrium temperature. The temperature difference between the thermistors is detected in the Wheatstone bridge, and the resulting bridge voltage is amplified and converted to a 4 … 20 mA output proportional to the calibrated range. RT1 and RT2 Reach Different Equilibrium Temperatures, Therefore, They Have Different Resistances RT1 and RT2 Are Two Legs of a Wheatstone Bridge Circuit Linear Relationship Between Bridge Voltage and Thermal Conductivity 技术特点 快速应响 0°C Td -60°C Td Aurora TDLAS Other Trace Moisture Sensors 6 Hours Aurora 响应速度快 2 秒, 一旦样气吹扫采样系统. 精度高 读数的 ± 2% Test Data for Aurora Gas media Nitrogen Water Reference Standard Optica/1311-XR Five Stage Chilled Mirror Generator MG-101 Divided Flow Dew Point Generator 人性化显示界面 磁力按键,可现场编程 背光LCD – 可同时显示3 个参数 水份可显示Lbs/mmscf, mg/m3, dew point (°C/°F), ppmv等单位 可现场设置以公制或英制单位来显 示水份/压力/ 温度. 4-20mA 强大的远程数据采集及控制界面 1级 Read Only 2级 Level 1 + Ability to Configure Rescale Aurora + Run Diagnostics 3级 Level 1 + Level 2 + Corrective (offsets, compensation calibration etc ….Factory Only) (3)


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