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In 2014, the year of the mud river, triple-a
A, multiple choice (the following topic in 4 blanks, only one is to match the idea the most. Please select the correct answer and its serial number to fill in the following form. A total of 24 points, 12 item, each item 2 points)
Parents are responsible for raising education children; The duty of the police is to carry out official duties according to law; The doctors duty is to heal the sick. This explanation (?????
A. different social identities mean different responsibilities.
Once the responsibility is determined, it cannot be changed
C. responsibility means paying the price.
It pays to take responsibility
As the saying goes, the river is full of water and rivers. This is a vivid description.
A: the water in the river is close to the water in the river.
The collective and individual interests are interdependent
The personal interest is the source and foundation of the collective interest.
Many personal interests are collectively in the interest of the group
The image of China on the world stage today is (???
In todays world, China is one of the fastest growing and changing countries.
Chinas growing international status is playing an increasingly important role in the international arena.
Is the Chinese people rich and the country strong?
A socialist China, which is modern, oriented towards the world and facing the future, stands tall in the east of the world
A, A.??? ? B). ? C.????? D, (1) (3) (4)
The national highway is exempt from the tolls of small buses for the first time since September 30, 2012. Implementing this free pass policy of benefiting the people.
A, to meet the increasing demand of the people.
B, you can prevent road traffic jams
C, stimulate consumer overconsumption, pull economic growth?????
D, to solve the main contradiction in our country at this stage
5. To consolidate and develop socialist the ethnic relations of equality, solidarity, mutual assistance and harmony, in the Tibet
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