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4.4 煤气余热回收系统 Modification of offgas waste heat recovery system 去除煤气中携带的较大颗粒烟尘,防止后续煤气管道积灰堵塞。Remove the large particles in the dust and avoid blocking the offgas pipes 降低气体的含尘量,提高气体的对流换热系数。Reduce dust content and increase heat exchange efficiency 回收余热,产生蒸汽用于发电;Waste heat is recovered to generate electricity 当余热锅炉故障时,高温气体可以直接进入湿法洗涤系统,不影响SRV正常生产。 When the boils stops, hot offgas will goes to scrubber. 4.5 锅炉及动力系统 Modification of the Boiler and Power system 原鼓风发电机组利旧 Old TAB will be re-used 新增一台中温中压抽汽凝汽式汽轮发电机组。 Add a new medium pressure turbine generator 增设一台电动鼓风机备用。 Add a back up electrical blower 制氧驱动方式改为电动。 Oxygen plant is driven by electricity 燃气锅炉采用自然循环,在炉膛下部采用强化传热传质的SRV煤气锅炉炉内蓄热稳燃装置,保证了难以燃烧的SRV煤气的充分燃烧。 The boiler uses natural circulation. There is a thermal storage device in the lower chamber of the boiler which help stabilize combustion. 特点:各系统相互独立,互不影响。 Characteristic: the function of each equipment is not solely reliant on the upstream equipment, which provides redundancy. 5 总 结 Conclusion Hlsmelt熔融还原炼铁技术是实现工业化生产的非高炉炼铁技术之一,其工艺可看作是冶金行业中各种成熟技术的新组合,和当前的耐火材料技术、喷吹技术、烟气余热回收和净化技术以及其他的冶金技术的发展是相辅相成的,是高炉最有力的竞争者, 是有希望革高炉命的新技术。 HIsmelt is one of the commercialized non-BF technologies. HIsmelt consists of many common and mature technologies, such as refractory, injection, waste heat recovery and scrubbing. It is regarded as the most competent competitor of blast furnaces. 在HIsmelt工艺国产化过程中吸取奎那那工厂的生产经验,对原有工艺进行了优化完善,新的工艺既改善了工艺的稳定性,提高系统的作业率,又采取了有效节能降耗、资源合理利用措施,有效降低吨铁工序能耗,为提升HIsmelt的竞争力提供了强有力的技术保障。 Based on Kwinana’s experience, the Chinese plant modified the old process and equipment. It is expected that the new process is more stable and energy-efficient, therefore more competent. 祝愿HIsmelt技术为炼铁节能环保做出伟大贡献 Wish HIsmelt achieves more in terms of energy efficiency and environmental friendliness 请各位领导、专家批评指正! Any questions? 本文的部分参数、图表由力拓提供,在此表示感谢。 Thank Rio Tinto for the courtesy of some pictures and diagrams. * * 下面以hismelt工艺的核心、也是铁矿石被还原为生铁


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