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临床检验题目整理Ten years in the afternoonThe cross and blood test of animals meansA, the main side of the condensate, the second sideB, the secondary agglutination, the pivotC, main side condensation, subside condensationD, the main side of the condenser, the secondary agglutinationE, the main side of the uncondensate, the secondary disaggregationBiochemical test index for myocardial injuryA, creatine kinase B, cholinesteraseC, alkaline phosphatase D, gamma-glutamyl transferaseE, alanine transaminaseThe disease that causes dogs to pee is notA, urinosis B, diabetes C, acute nephritisD, chronic nephritis E, uterusPH of rumen contents of the rumen when the stomach is flaccidA, constant B, higher C, lowerD, first rise, lower E, lower firstThe biochemical test of jaundice isA, total bilirubin B, serum albuminC, alkaline phosphatase D, glutamate transaminaseE, aminotransferaseE, biochemical examination of bloodThe main distinguishing symptom of kidney disease and acute nephritis isA, A little urine B, no urine C, edemaD, hematuria E, kidney area sensitivityThe enzyme that is active in the blood biochemical examination of rachian animals is the enzymeA, lipase B, creatine kinaseC, alkaline phosphatase D, acid phosphataseE, lactic acid dehydrogenase(61 to 62)A, hematuria B, porphyrin urine C, myoglobinuria D, hemoglobinuria E, drug red urine61. Beijing dog, 8 years old, toilet habits change recently, dysuria, urinary frequency, less color red, palpation inspection bladder pain reaction, bladder calculi x-rays did not see the shadow of the red urine red urine nature of the case most likely is A blood in the urine62. Of the cow, 3 days prior to the loss of appetite, body temperature of 38.5 ℃, breathing 28 times/min, pulse is 85 times/min, conjunctiva, pale yellow dye, micturition number increase, but each time the urine output decrease relatively, urine is dark red, the red urine cases most likely red urine nature is D hemoglobinuriaThe dog, 6 years old, the male, nearly 1 month th
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