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Barrier Metals SiH4 Ar N2 N2 Ti PVD Targets * Physical Vapor Deposition Chambers Cluster Tool Configuration Transfer Chamber Loadlock Wafers PVD Chamber Transfer Chamber Cryo Pump Wafer N S N + e - Backside He Cooling Argon Nitrogen Reactive Gases DC Power Supply (+) * High proportion of the total product use Process Conditions Pressure: 5 mTorr Temperature: 200 degrees C. RF Power: * * * * PVD Target PVD Chamber CVD Chamber * * 物体由于外因(受力、湿度变化等)而变形时,在物体内各部分之间产生相互作用的内力,以抵抗这种外因的作用,并力图使物体从变形后的位置回复到变形前的位置。在所考察的截面某一点单位面积上的内力称为应力 * 1)在高真空腔等离子体中产生正氩离子,并向具有负电势的靶材料加速; 2)在加速过程中获得动量,并轰击靶; 3)离子通过物理过程从靶上撞击出(溅射)原子,靶具有想要的材料组分; 4)被撞击出(溅射)的原子迁移到硅片表面; 5)被溅射的原子在硅片表面凝聚形成薄膜,与靶材料相比,薄膜具有与它基本相同的材料组分; 6)额外材料由真空泵抽走。 * * * 25 Praxair Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology, Module 3: Semiconductor Manufacturing Processes Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) PVD Metals Both non-reactive argon sputtering and reactive nitrogen sputtering are employed in depositing a variety of metals, including titanium, titanium nitride, and aluminum copper alloys. These processes are performed at low operating pressure (less than 5 mTorr) to maximize film density and deposition rate: More scattering at higher pressures slows the deposition rate and leads to glancing angles for deposition, leading to a less dense film. Because of the reactivity of some of these materials, multi-chamber tools called “cluster tools” have been developed which allow multiple sequential operations automatically without exposing the wafer to air. These cluster configurations also provide leverage in manufacturing efficiency. CVD Metals Advanced wiring technology uses copper for both via fill and interconnects. This application puts unique demands on the deposition tools, especially involving delivery of precursors to the reactor, and the requirements for clustered equipment involving multiple process steps without breaking vacuum. * 加热蒸发过程: 加热蒸发源,使其温度接近或达到要淀积材料的蒸发点,则固态源表面的原子逸出,转变为蒸气; 气体分子


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