Chapter Three Differeces in the way of thinking翻译第三章课件(西安石油大学).ppt

Chapter Three Differeces in the way of thinking翻译第三章课件(西安石油大学).ppt

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Chapter Three Differeces in the way of thinking翻译第三章课件(西安石油大学)

Pattern IV Subject + Verb +Compliment (SVC) The man is a teacher. →The man who is talking to the young lady is a teacher. → The man with white shirt is a teacher, which I’m looking forward to being one day. → Our age is an epoch in which heroes are coming forward in multitudes. 2. What caused the fire is still a mystery. Who was responsible for the accident is not yet clear. 3. His plan is to spend a few days in the mountains. 4. She looks/appears to have caught cold. seems to be getting along quite well. Because the meeting held high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, carried forward the causes, and united in common endeavor, the meeting was essential for enhancing the cohesiveness of the Party and the army, winning popular support, and promoting the cause of the party and country. Holding high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, carrying forward the causes, and uniting in common endeavor, the meeting was essential for enhancing the cohesiveness of the Party and the army, winning popular support, and promoting the cause of the party and country. The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) was an extremely important conference, which came at a decisive stage of China’s efforts to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects. Holding high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, carrying forward the causes, and uniting in common endeavor, the meeting was essential for enhancing the cohesiveness of the Party and the army, winning popular support, and promoting the cause of the party and country. 1) SV 3) SVO 4) SVOC 5) SVOO 6) SVOA 7) SVC 2) SVA The basic English sentence patterns 课后作业 就英语基本句型举例,并根据英语语法进行必要的语义扩展。 要求:1. 句子内容自定; 2. 分组(自由组合,每组可10人左右); 3. 按时按组提交(应写明本组人员姓名); 4. 下次课每组随机抽选一人进行课堂讲解; 5. PPT格式。 1. SV pattern and its expansion 1). Everyone laughed. → Everyone in the classroom laughe


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