Chapter 6-超分子化学-1 of 5.ppt

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Chapter 6-超分子化学-1 of 5

第六章 分子识别与组装 超分子化学中的若干基本概念及原理;分子识别、组装与自组装;分子传输及超分子催化(模拟酶);分子及超分子器件;小分子对生物大分子的识别与作用。 参考教材 Molecular Chemistry Chemistry is the science of matter and its transformations. Since the synthesis of urea by F. Woehler in 1828, molecular chemistry has gained rapid progress and established its power over the covalent bond. The synthesis of Vitamin B12 by R.B. Woodward and A. Eschenmoser in 1968 represents a high status of the organic chemistry. As stated by J. M. Lehn: Time has come to do the same for non-covalent intermolecular forces. Beyond molecular chemistry based on the covalent bond, there lies the field of supramolecular chemistry, whose goal is to gain control over the intermolecular bond. Supramolecular chemistry has been defined, conceptualized, and structured into a coherent system. Its roots extend into different subjects of chemistry and other physical science. 有机化学:分子构筑基元的合成 配位化学:分子受体化学的基础 物理化学:分子间相互作用的理论与实验研究 生物化学:生物的过程均从底物的结合与识别开始 高分子科学:材料科学与生物科学的桥梁 …… 分子间的相互作用是形成高度专一性识别、反应、输运、调控等过程的基础。 如底物与蛋白结合, 基因的翻译和转录等… 非共价分子间力:金属离子配位键,静电作用, H键, 范德华力, 给体和受体相互作用等软“化学键”--属“软化学”。研究超分子的结构、构象、化学热力学、动力学和分子动力学。 The preparation of the crown ether How to synthesize heteroatom crown ether? The synthesis of heteroatom crown ether 2. Crown Ether: Structure and Property The polarizability and solubility Solvent effect on host-guest interaction Log Kt at 25℃ 全顺式异构体 Size complementarity * Welcome to 化学生物学 ! Supramolecular Chemistry 超分子化学 How to present an intensive course of supramolecular materials? -Teacher is centered. (No) -Students are passive listeners. (No) -Teaching and research are bridged. (Yes) -Research methods are highlighted. (Yes) Introduction to Supramolecular Chemistry The horizon of different scientific fields and their representatives in their boxes Chemistry MOLECULAR SUPRAMOLECULAR A B C D SYNTHESIS covalent bonds RECEPTOR SUBSTRATE INTERACTION intermolecular bonds SUPRAMOLECULE RECOGNITION TRANSFORMATION TRANSLOCATION SELF-ASSEMBLY SELF-ORGANISATION


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